chapter 1: beginning the fight with a...bang?!!

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"Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki!" (G-0, 5000)

"Godhawk, Ichibiyoshi!" (G-0, 5000)

"I'll go first," Max said, smiling. Mishiga nodded.

"Alright. Draw and I use Ichibiyoshi's skill. Checking the top 5 cards for Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi," he said, checking the top 5 cards. There were no Tsukuyomi's there.

"Well, no Crescent Moon there. At least I have one in hand," he said as he took out a card in his hand and slammed it onto the vanguard circle.

"Ride, Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi! (G-1, 7000). I end turn," he said, grinning.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 1

Mishiga drew a card and sighed. "I ride Horikawa Kunihiro. (G-1, 7000). Mutsunokami goes back and Horikawa attacks! (7000)" he mumbled.

"Say it out loud," Max teased, and Mishiga's eye twitch. "Just kidding. No guard." Mishiga sighed. "Drive trigger check. (Hirano Toshirou. Draw). Draw trigger. Five thousand to Mutsunokami and draw," he said, as he took a card from his deck.

"Damage check. (Battle Sister, Cocoa). No trigger," Max said, smiling. Mishiga sighed. He was higly unlikely to smile, although he looks good when he smiles.

"I end my turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Soul: 1

"Stand and draw. I use Tsukuyomi's skill. Checking the top 5 cards of the deck for Goddess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi," he said, doing the same thing in his turn before. This time, there it was.

"I superior ride! Goddess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi! (G-2, 9000). I call Silent Tom (G-2, 8000), and Battle Deity, Susanoo! (G-2, 9000). Silent Tom goes in first!" He said, resting Silent Tom.

Meanwhile, in the outer space

A male, who looks exactly like Blaster Blade, only with a blue visor, a blue phase blade at his left hand, and a blue blaster at his right, and a blue cape was asleep peacefully.

Back to Card Capital

"No guard. Damage check. (Imanotsurugi). Nothing there," Mishiga said, as he put the card into the damage zone.

"Now, Tsukuyomi is next! (9000)." Max said, grinning, which annoyed Mishiga.

"Wipe that grin off of your face, Max. I don't guard," he said. "Alright, alright. Don't get angry at me for this, okay? Drive check. (Battle Sister, Assam. Stand). Well, well. A stand trigger. All effects to Silent Tom. (Silent Tom: 13000)."

"Damage check. (Gokotai. Heal). I got a heal trigger. Five thousand to Mutsunokami and heal a damage," Mishiga said, as he took the card in damage zone and replaced it with Gokotai, as the damage card was put into the drop zone.

Max looked at him, confused. "Why'd you do that, Mishiga? Giving the power to a rear-guard?" He asked. Mishiga went silent. He had already made a plan in his mind, that is, the Shinken Hissatsu, an ability activated if you have 3 damage or more. That was what Mishiga was planning.

"Whatever. Silent Tom's next! (13000)." As usual. Mishiga didn't guard the next two attacks made by Silent Tom and Susanoo.

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

"You really are planning something," Max said, grinning. "Stand and draw. I ride Heshikiri Hasebe! (G-2, 9000). I call Horikawa Kunihiro! (G-1, 7000). Now, Heshikiri attacks! (9000)." He exclaimed. Max is new with Touken Ranbu, so he doesn't know its capabilities.

"No guard," he said. "Drive check. (Sayo Samonji. Critical). A critical. Five thousand to Horikawa and Critical stays to vanguard. (Horikawa Kunihiro: 12000. Heshikiri Hasebe: 2★).

"Damge check. (CEO Amaterasu. Evil-eye Princess, Euryale). No trigger," Max said with a sigh.

"Homare skill, activate!" Mishiga exclaimed, catching almost everyone who was watching the fight off-guard. Nobody knew of the Homare skill, Shinken Hissatsu skill or the Touken Ranbu.

"Counter blast 1, stand back up Heshikiri, and he gets an additional 2000! (Heshikiri Hasebe: 11000, 2★)." Max and the other cardfighter's mouth hot the floor...not literally, but you get the point.

"Unfortunately, I cannot attack the vanguard. However, I can attack you rear-guard. Now, Heshikiri, attack Silent Tom! (11000)." Max breathed out a sigh of relief. "Silent Tom is retired," he said, putting Silent Tom into the drop zone.

In the outer space

The male woke up as he is now in Cray. He sighed as Future Wisdom Girl, Marrie, appeared at the doorway. "Blaster Blade, Future Shooter, hurry up. You're late for the meeting," Marrie said. Blaster Blade, Future Shooter nodded as he got into his meeting room.

To Card Capital (Time Skip)

Hand: 4
Damage: 4
Soul: 3
Current Vanguard: Jiroutachi

Hand: 6
Damage: 5
Soul: 6
Current Vanguard: Goddess of the Treasured Mirror, Ohirume; CEO Amaterasu

"Man, that was a good strike, Max," Mishiga mumbled as he smirked. "But now, final turn!" He exclaimed. Max looked unfazed.

"Liberate the Generation Zone! Generation Stride! Iwatooshi!! (G-4, +15000). I use Iwatooshi's skill. Counter blast 1 and G Persona Flip Iwatooshi in the G-zone. He'll be attacking all your units in that one attack!! Mutsunokami attacks first! (11000)." "Guard with Phsycic Bird! (21000)."

"Heh. That's all? Boosted by Namazua (G-1, 7000), Nakigitsune (G-2, 9000) attacks! (16000). I activate Homare skill! Counter blast 1 and soul blast 1. Draw a card and call Shishiou! (G-2, 7000)"

"Guard with Battle Sister, Assam! (21000)." Alright! Shishou attacks! Although it doesn't have enough power to go through, I activate its skill. Counter blast 1, soul blast 1 and discard a card. I draw two cards! Now, boosted by Nikkari Aoe (G-1, 7000), Iwatooshi attacks all of your units!! (33000)." Max's eyes widened, before he smiled. "No guard."

"Triple drive! (Atsushi Toushirou. Imanotsurugi. Kousetsu Samonji). No trigger."

"Damage check. (Phsycic Bird. Critical. I was hoping for a heal trigger. You win, Mishiga," Max said, smiling still.

Mishiga nodded as a reply, as he collected his cards and went out of the card store, leaving everyone baffled.

It was still raining, as Mishiga wore his hoodie again, before he almost tripped onto something.

'What the hell?' He thought as he looked at what tripped him, only to have his eyes gazed upon a deck, somehow glowing blue, like the colour of space.

And somehow, nobody was on the street, not a single car, or person. Mishiga noticed this and touched the deck.

He felt himself glowing as well, as he took the deck. He simply shoved it into his pockets and walked towards his house, now cars, trucks, people and umbrellas visible to his eyes.


There you go, folks! The capability of Touken Ranbu. And now, if anyone wants to join the story, you may. Just PM me, okay? Well, goodbye!

Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Prequel StarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ