chapter 14: learning Pure Reverse

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"Alright. I'm here, Mishiga," Hiyoku said, looking around the house of Mishiga. Mishiga was laying on the couch, probably exhausted. "I need some help from you," he said.

(Insert theme song here)

He had told the story of his cardfight with the female, which impressed him. "So this woman is the Star Gate Branch Manager?" He asked.

Mishiga nodded. "And she has a deck called 'Dark Blaq'?" He asked again. Mishiga once again, nodded. "Blaq...that sounds somewhat familiar," he said. "I know right?" Mishiga said.

"Wait a second. Blaq..." Hiyoku was now lost in thought as Mishiga stared at him, thinking that he might know.

Ultimate flashback

"Why're you doing this?!! Can't you remember your friends?!! Your sister, Rukia?!!!" Hiyoku yelled/asked the white haired-male.

"Sorry, but I'm completely faithful to Blaq," he replied, raising the revolver he held, before he pulled the trigger.

End of flashback

"That's the name of a new evil coming!!" Hiyoku concluded. "What? Wait, are you serious?" Mishiga asked. He nodded before saying, "we gotta go and tell Elaine immediately!!"


"So the name of this threat is Blaq?" Elaine asked the duo. Both nodded. "I see. But we need to know its agenda and its power. We all seen it ourselves and the Royal Paladin doesn't stand a chance against them," she said.

"I know," Mishiga said. "Their weak point is simple. Their attacks may be powerful, but if either hit or miss, they'd either flinch or damage themselves," Mishiga continued.

"Wow...that seems to be a good weakness," she said, smiling, as she was impressed. "And from my guessing, since it's only targeting the Paladins, their agenda is to destroy Paladins, because they're the strongest out of all," Mishiga explained.

"You may be right," she said. "But we're running out of time. We gotta do something about it, and I know what I'm gonna do," he said.


"What?!!! Why're you not helping?!!!" Vian screamed at Ahnos's ear. "Owww!! Sheesh, okay okay," he said as Vian gave him a controller.

"All you have to do to make the cheat is up, down, left, right, double tap square then L and R," he explained.

Vian was actually playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories, and when she asked Ahnos what the cheat was, he refused, and...that happened.

"Ohhhhhh. Okay. Thank you sweetie," she said, giving him a quick peck to the lips before continuing to play her game.

'It's been a while since you did that, Vian,' Ahnos thought, blushing slightly. The only time they kissed, other than that time, was when they first met, and that was an accident.

(My my my. I can already imagine that happening in my mind's supremely ridiculous! XD)

"Ahnos!!!" Mishiga screamed, as he tackled his way towards the future knight. The guards stood no chance against the boy who was skilled in combat.

He soon reached where he was at with Vian, as he kicked down the door. Ahnos seemed to be unfazed, but he was actually shocked. No one can kick the door down, not even himself. Even using his blasters and other kinds of weapon weren't enough to break it down.

Like he claimed to be, Mishiga did the impossible, possible. "Ahnos!! I need your help!!" He said. "My help? Why am I needed all the time?!!" He whined.

He was cut off as Mishiga punched him in the face. "Listen to me you childish prick. The whole planet Cray is on the line and you're doing nothing!!! What kind of leader are you?!!!" He askrd furiously.

He stayed silent until he attempted to punch Mishiga but was blocked by Vian. "Enough!! The chosen one's right," she said.

"And you're siding with him?!!" Ahnos asked. "Because he's wiser than you. You're just plain dumb. Without me, you'd be-" she was cut off as Mishiga slapped her back, hard.

She coughed. "Vian stop. You're hurting his feelings," Mishiga said softly. He then saw Ahnos, crying. "You're right," he muttered.

"You both are. What're we gonna do to change this?" He asked, his tears gone and became serious, which made Vian smile.

"Now that's the Ahnos I know. Now, do you know about Pure Reverse?" He asked, Hiyoku then appearing out of nowhere.

"Pure Reverse? I don't know. As far as I know, only a boy named Hiyoku knows," Ahnos replied. Mishiga then stared at Hiyoku.

Hiyoku sighed. "Pure Reverse is the same as the Reverse, only you can control it. Pure Reverse will also give some of your cards an upgrade with it," he explained.

"I see," Mishiga said, before going back to Ahnos. "Label the plan," Mishiga said, and Ahnos and Vian nodded.
Another chapter complete. Hey just letting you know, I'll be finishing this book after several chapters. And I'll also make a plot twist with the epilogue/prelude.

Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Prequel StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora