chapter 9: into Cray

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Mishiga felt his whole body float on some sort of space quantum. He couldn't open his eyes or felt himself breathing.

Suddenly, he could open his eyes and what he saw is what astronomers would like to say 'The Biggest Discovery'

In front of him was somewhat like Earth, except more greener and brighter. He was stunned st this before he suddenly found himself in a room which looked like his.

"What the...?" He muttered before he saw a girl, peeping. She looked exactly like Marron, only she had longer hair that reached her waist, and blue-rimmed glasses.

"Oh hello there. Ahnos told me that we have a guest, but I dirn't expect it to be another human from another planet," she said.

"Uhm...who're you?" He asked. "Ah, sorry. I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Future Little Sage, Marrie," she introduced.

" your father...Little Sage, Marron?" He asked and the girl nodded. "And my grandfather is Great Sage Baron," she said.

"Marrie, how many times did I told you not to tell anybody about our past?" Said a familiar, yet, older voice.

"Dad! He's a guest. Not to mention, Ahnos' avatar!" She replied. The voice entered, revealing to be the older version of Marron.

"'re Blaster Blade, Future Shooter's avatar?" He asked, and Mishiga nodded calmly. "Okay. Then who is the original Blaster Blade?" He asked.

"Blaster Blade Origin," he replied, which shocked Marron. "How do you know her?" He asked. "The meeting with the other clans? I heard it all," he replied.

(Reference to the second chapter, where he managed to find the deck, took it home and somehow heard their meeting/conversation)

"You really are the chosen one," Marron muttered under his breath before saying, "follow me." Mishiga nodded and followed Marron and Marrie (who held Mishiga's hand) towards wherever they were.


Hiyoku was in a room with Xian. "How are the others?" He asked. "We got heavy casualties from our side. One of them is Blaster Blade 'Truth' himself," she told him.

"Hiyoku...maybe you should leave," she continued. "No, I'm staying!" He said. "You must. We're facing heavy loss from our side. Go to the Paladin Origin land. That's the safest place you can go," she said.

After great hesitation, he stood up.  "You gotta follow me then," he said. "Along with the others," he continued. She nodded and went away.

Xian was standing at a podium. "Listen everyone. There is no way we can win this war. Our avatar suggests we move to Paladin Origin and seek help there," she told them.

They all had agreed. Ever since Blaster Blade 'Truth' was dead, they were a lost cause, but since their avatar is here, why not? "Now everyone, pack up your belongings and we'll move out at first daylight," she told them before walking out.

At the place

"WHAT?!!! WHADDYA MEAN THAT THE ROYAL PALADIN'S ARE LOSING AGAINST A DARK FORCE?!!!!" Mishiga yelled for the first time since years towards Ahnos

"That is why I asked you to accompany the Royal Paladin towards Paladin Origin. That's the safest place for them to train," he said. Mishiga sighed and nodded before he left.


A boy with white hair, a bluebrobe with a red cloth around his waist and silver eyes was looking at the Royal Paladins pacling up, as he grinned menacingly.

"So ma-" a voice was cut off as the boy said, "how many times did I told you? Call me Diake. You don't need to get all formal with me."

"Sorry. Anyway, the army is ready," the voice said, and Diake grinned again. "Let's kill some Paladins."
Plot twist!! Diake Takanori is the antagonist!

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