chapter 3: revolve! This origin of the future

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When they reached their school, Mishiga let go of his blonde friend.

"At least a 'hello' would've suffice," he said, standing properly.

"Sorry, but problems are meant to be made," Mishiga replied, once again, making Max paralyzed.

Mishiga had never said something 'that' wise, as Max was known to be the smart guy.

Mishiga walked into the school, ignoring Max, who was still standing near the gates.

Time skip

"Alright class," said a male teacher with faint purple hair said, as he looked at the doorway.

Mishiga sighed. He knew what that means. New students. "Alright, Ms. Nakama and Ms. Heatwave, please come in."

A few of his classmates snickered, hearing the surname, 'Heatwave'.

Mishiga glared at them, as in 'I'm the devil, and don't laugh at that' glare, making them stop laughing.

Although you may say or call that he is lazy, but he respects new students as much as anyone respecting their leader.

But, he had second thoughts after he saw who it was and table palmed. It was the two females he encountered.

Time skip

Finally! Mishiga thought as he fast-walked towards the Vanguard Club.

As expected, everyone was waiting at the doorway, maybe to trap both Max or him or both...or probably the new students.

Either way, he just gave out a straight face as he entered. Then, he heard boys squealing.

He sighed and sweat dropped, knowing what had happened, but he continued to walk towards the cashier counter.

Yes, he works as a cashier for the club, as a faculty teacher. Although in his age, he's somehow smart enough to get him to become a teacher part-time.

He read a book he borrowed in the library, just to silence the noise surrounding him.

But, as always, there's always someone or something to disturb him. The last page of a book.

He sighed as he put the book onto the counter, as Max came along.

"Hey, Mishiga. Can we have a tag-team fight?" He asked with sparkles in his eyes.

Mishiga sighed before saying, "with who?" Max pouted. "The two new students. They play vanguard too."

Mishiga sighed again before nodding. Max grinned before he went towards a fight table. You know, the fight table where you put your FiCa onto a specific box place and then choose the battlefield.

Mishiga followed intently as he saw the both Harumi and 'Ms. Heatwave'.

He took out the new deck he found on the street, thinking of it's capabilities.

Suddenly, he bumped into a black haired boy. "Sorry," he muttered as he continued to walk.

(May I ask? If so, then do anyone know the boy?)

"So, you people want to cardfight the two best players in this club?" Max asked, and Harumi and Ms. Heatwave nodded.

"Didn't catch your name, miss," Mishiga asked Ms. Heatwave, and she said, "Mai..." before she threw a shoe at him.

Mishiga grabbed it before it even managed to hit him, with 'wow's surrounding him.

"Never throw shoes to a prodigy, tsundere," he said, sliding the shoe across the floor to Mai.

She stared at him before she wore the shoe and took out her deck, with the others following as well.

Maybe the Future Paladin has its advantages in tag-team fights, as its capabilities rely on your partners' rear-guards. Hope Max had his either any of the Paladin, Mishiga thought.


"Blaster Rookie, Blookie!" (G-0, 4000)

"Resurgent Knight, Stius!" (G-0, 5000)

"Knight of Early Dawn, Coel!" (G-0, 5000)

"Lizard Hero, Undeux!" (G-0, 5000)

"Oh, wow. A new clan, a new set of Gold Paladin, and the Toshiki Kai Legend Deck. I'm stuck with booster pack cards and others," Max said, frowning slightly.
There's the 3rd chapter. Next up is the decklist of Mishiga's Touken Ranbu and Future Paladin decklist!

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