My mom watching Danganronpa

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..she didn't pay attention much but she did notice a lot of things.

Mom: ..Why does the bear have a boob on its stomach-


Mom: I like the black one

Me: Celestia?

Mom: sure. I like her outfit- why can't you be her for Halloween instead of boob bear?

Me: *ded*

(Since my cousin was there too, the one who likes the rp)

Cousin: *points a tv* it's tamaki- *realizes her mistake and dies of laughter* i MEAN TOGAMI

Me: *ded again*

(First trial happens)

Me: Who do you think it is?

Mom: favorite, the black one

Me: Why?

Mom: she looks a killer-

Cousin: fAT GUY

Me: ...

(Leon is guilty)

Leon: ahoahoahoahoahoahoahoahoaho

Mom: ...Is he going to spontaneously combust?

Me: maybe


Mom: Oh my that must hurt- I would hate that

Me: Well he spontaneously combusted-

(Chihiro dies)

Cousin: *dying* bAEEEEEE

Mom: .....what happend? Oh no the precious one died


That's as far as we got. We're going to watch more today

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