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Hetaoni Hetaoni Hetaoni Hetaoni Hetaoni Hetaoni Hetaoni Hetaoni
*a million more times of saying Hetaoni*

What am I doing to myself

I'm resurfersing old feels


I think part of me when I was drawing Iris for the first time and making her I may have inspired her while I was thinking of Hetaoni- ....the blind part coming from England

*tempted to draw England when he goes blind tomarrow*

....and then more feels

*tempted to draw Iris the same way*

Also the FrUk (France and England) makes me sad-

I'm guessing this is after England goes blind and he's a bloody and France is cleaning his face again

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I'm guessing this is after England goes blind and he's a bloody and France is cleaning his face again.

But then sadly England is being a big tsundere/sad child and started saying that he was ugly and that France shouldn't look at him now.

*inhales deeply* ....I'm sorry I'll stop.

I'm just gonna give myself feels and start rewatching it again-


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