Chapter 1

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Out of all the days to be late, Riley had to be late today. On her best friend's birthday. Riley, her family, and Maya and her mom were supposed to meet for dinner at 7. It was now 7:12.

"Where are youuuuu?!" Riley saw Maya's name pop up on her phone screen.

Riley picked up her iPhone 6 and started to text "be there in 5 min-" but, then it happened.

It happened so quick Riley had no time to react. All at once she felt her head snap back and glass cutting her face and arms. She flew sideways then wounded up hitting her head on the top of the car over and over again. Suddenly everything abruptly stopped and her car ended up upside down at the bottom of a hill.

Riley's eyes were so caked with blood that she couldn't see what was happening. She heard sirens suddenly in the distance and prayed that she would be rescued soon because she was starting to lose consciousness. Soon enough she felt somebody trying to get her from underneath the car.

She felt the pain in her ankle as the paramedic picked her up, she groaned with pain. She heard screaming from people of the streets as they had just witnessed what had happened. Riley was put on the gurney and and soon and her way to the hospital. The paramedics tried to keep Riley conscious by asking her questions such as what her name was and where she lived, but kept getting interrupted by the excruciating pain in her shoulder and ankle.

Soon Riley found herself in the hospital with doctors and nurses running her gurney to the nearest operating room. There was a breathing tube put over her face and soon she was going unconscious.
"Where's Riley?" Maya asked Topanga (Riley's mother) sounding kind of worried.

"I don't know, she was supposed to be here 45 minutes ago, she's usually never this late..." Topanga responded.

Cory suddenly got a call.

"Hello?" Cory answered in confusion as he didn't recognize the number.

Cory just stood there, unable to move as he listed to what the caller had to say.

"We're on our way now" Cory said abruptly as he hung up the phone.

"Who was that, honey?" Topanga asked concerned.

"It was the the hospital, something happened to Riley, we have to leave right now." Cory said as he grabbed his jacket.

Maya stood there motionless. Her best friend hurt in the hospital? She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Mom, we have to go too" Maya said to her mother.

Maya's Mother nodded in agreement as they all headed out the door to the hospital.

A/N; So what do you guys think so far?? This is my first story I ever wrote so cut me some slack😂 tell me what you thought in the comments!

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