"Liam, just go."

I shot a slight glare to my best mate as I walked to the front door. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my car keys before walking out to my car. I looked around for Louis' car, deeming that he must have walked the few flats away. I jumped into the car and headed toward the store. Despite it being nearly nine in the morning, I caught early morning traffic and I groaned loudly. I turned up the radio and listened to it until the traffic dispersed. I surprisingly found a spot near the front of the store and parked the car. I grabbed a small basket, knowing I wouldn't need the large cart, before heading to the medicine aisle. It took me nearly twenty minutes to find medicine that I hoped Niall could use. It said that it had been tested on animals, so I assumed it would be okay. I looked at my phone to find that I had a picture message from Louis. I opened it up as I walked toward the aisle with soup in it. The picture showed Niall with a tissue you close to his face and his eyes crossed with his tongue sticking out. With a slight chuckle, I called Louis. He answered on the first ring.

"Why are you messing with my boy?" I asked before he could say anything.

"Because it's fun," Louis chuckled before talking to Niall. "It's hot, be careful."

"What'd you just give him?"

"Chicken noodle-" A sharp cry sounded from the opposite side of the phone. "I told you to be careful!"

"He just took a really large bite, didn't he?" I smiled.

"Yes," Louis sighed. "Your boy is a genius"

"Heeey!" Niall whined in the background.

"Be nice to him," I growled to Louis.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"I'll be home soon."

"Kay, bye."

Louis hung up the phone before I got to give a response. I gave a small sigh before tucking my phone back into my pocket. I debated the different types of soups, deciding on a few different flavors before wandering over to the bread section. As I was reaching for a loaf, I was jostled.

"Oh sorry, mate," A voice said.

"It's fine," I smiled toward the voice but my voice faltered as I saw who it was.

"Liam?" Joe asked. "Hey!"

"Hiiiii," I mentally cursed myself for going to the store alone.

"How have you been?"

"Good... You?"

"Great!" He smiled, widely.


The lull in the conversation made me turn back toward the bread to pick up the loaf I had previously been reaching for, hoping he would get the hint to leave now. Of course, he didn't.

"So are you seeing anyone?"

An involuntary sigh escaped my mouth as I turned to him, "Look, I-"

"Because if you aren't, I'd like to take you out again."


"That is if you're ready to be committed."


"And maybe you could be my boyfriend?"

"Joe!" I said, somewhat loudly in frustration from being interrupted so many times. "I told you no once before. Why would I say yes now?"

"Nobody can say no to this face more than once," he smiled widely and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.


Prequelly Unique - Niam Horayne (Prequel to Uniquely Perfect)Where stories live. Discover now