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Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Hello?" Annabeth called into the darkness. She rose unsteadily to her feet, the world spinning underneath her.

"Hello, Miss Chase. I have been awaiting your arrival," a cold voice answered her.

"Who...who are you?" she asked hesitantly.

"Come closer, my dear. I want to show you something," the voice said, again in that same, cold tone.

"How do you know who I am?" Annabeth demanded.

"Please, enough questions. Come here," the voice sounded frustrated.

"Why? What are you going to do?" she said.

"I said... COME HERE!" the voice bellowed. An invisible force yanked her forward, right into the hands of....Jake?

"Jake! What are you doing? What happened last night? What's going on?!" Annabeth cried out. Jake rolled his eyes and waved his hand. Immediately, Annabeth felt her mouth clamp shut, and when she tried to speak nothing came out.

"You ask so many questions. It's very annoying!" Jake hissed and shoved her forward. She tripped and fell face first onto a silver platform. Angrily, she shoved herself up and swung up at Jake. Unfortunately, he caught her wrist and pulled it behind her back.

"Listen, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I'd prefer if you didn't struggle, but I will fight you if I have to. Now get on," his voice was as hard as steel and he pushed her forward again. Annabeth managed to keep her balance this time, but before she realized what was happening, Jake had grabbed her arms again and tied them to the metal ring that surrounded the platform. Then, he walked over to a table that had a collection of knifes laid out on it. Annabeth's eyes widened as she saw that they were all stained with red – blood from their previous victims.

Jake examined the weapons for a few minutes before selecting a large silver knife and started walking towards her. She tried to get out of her bindings but they were held tight. Jake waved his free hand and Annabeth realized he had undone the spell that was keeping her quiet.

"What are you doing, Jake?" she cried, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. He didn't reply but stepped up next to her. He grabbed her arm and held the knife over it. "Jake, please!" She cried out as he slashed the blade across her arm, leaving a gash that started to bleed profusely. The red liquid splashed to the platform and started fizzing. Jake started to chant, still holding onto her arm. Annabeth screamed as a bloody hand erupted from the floor.

"Now rise, master, and accept this offering," Jake finished and snapped his fingers. A small boy, about 10 years old, appeared, his eyes wide with fear.

"Jake? Where am I?" With a shock, Annabeth realized that the boy was one of Apollo's sons, Antonio.

"It's all going to be fine. Just come here next to me, and I promise you'll be alright," Jake said gently, beckoning with his free hand.

"Antonio, no! Don't listen to him!" But Jake must have cast another spell, for the young boy could neither see nor hear her. She watched with horror as he climbed next to Jake. A second later, the hand, still there, grabbed his ankle and pulled him down into the ground while he screamed in pain and fear.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?!" Annabeth yelled angrily, pulling even harder at her bindings, not caring that they were rubbing against her skin, making her wrists turn red. 

"Oh, relax. My master needed a host, and Antonio will be perfect until he is strong enough to return to his own body," Jake pulled Annabeth closer to him. "And you are going to be the sacrifice he needs to return to his full power. He has been slumbering for many years, and he needs blood and flesh and bone to rebuild his body. Once he gets his strength back, I'm going to kill you and bring my master back!" 

"I can't believe I thought you loved me," she said softly, a lone tear trickling down her face. 

"Annabeth...I did love you. I still do. But there are more important things than love. My master requires my service, and I shall serve him, no matter what it takes," his voice grew gentle, and he reached out a hand and cupped her cheek in his palm. Disgusted, she pulled away. 

"If you really loved me you would be willing to do anything to save me, not this..." she gestured to the hand on the floor. Jake flinched, a weakness revealed. But then his eyes hardened and he pulled himself away. 

"Thank you for those words. It makes what I'm going to do next a whole lot easier," he grabbed the bloody knife and raised it upwards, a drop of her blood falling off of it. Before she could register what was happening, he brought the blade down to it's target: her heart. 

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update...I don't get a lot of time to write unfortunately. :( 

I should have published this over a month ago, but I forgot that I had finished writing it and just needed to edit. I just realized today...sorry. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter though! Don't forget to comment your opinions! 


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