Important Message

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People think that Percy is an immature teen but please, think about this:

Even before he was a demigod he had a rough life.

To name a few things; he constantly got in trouble for things he didn't have control over, was forced to move schools nearly every year.

Not to mention his abusive stepfather, and his mother who did everything to try and protect him.

His mom being taken before he even got a chance to be explained the world he lived in.

He has nightmares of the people he loves and cares about dying. Then everything that happened after he found out he was a demigod.

He went through Tartarus for Hades sake!

He believes that everything, even deaths are his faults are his fault, and if he had done something different he could've fixed it.

He was determined to be the one of the prophecy to save others from the pain.

He thinks so low of himself that he feels like he doesn't the compliments he gets.

He thinks he is worthless and weak.

He feels like he is the one who should've died instead of everyone else.

He doesn't let anyone see what his insecurities, doubts, fears, and real emotions, and struggles with them himself to not hurt anyone else.

Maybe the fact that they call him stupid really does make himself feel that way.

He manages to put on a smile, and joke around after that to hid his pain and make OTHERS feel better, not even himself.

XPlease, stop acting like he is a little child.

I was really motivated to do this because of my best friend, StayTrue2You. I hope you always keep this message in mind, it is very important.


On that happy note, a new chapter will be up this week! So, yay, and stuff.

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