Confusion and Chaos

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Annabeth's P.O.V.

I woke up in a strange place, floating in a water bubble. I groaned and propped myself up on my elbows. Was this Poseidon's palace? I frowned. But what was I doing here? I shoved against the water bubble, and it shattered with a large BAM and immediately my world faded.

I opened my eyes to darkness, and a shadowy figure standing above me.

"Hello, Annabeth dear," the figure said, it's voice mocking.

"Who...who are you?" I tried to get up, but found I was frozen solid.

"Who am I? Don't you recognize me?" the voice laughed.


"Yes. It is me! And I need something from you,"

"Wh-what?" I gulped.

"I want you to betray your friends. I want you to stab them in the back when they need you the most. I want you to tear them apart!" My eyes grew wide in horror.


"Well...if you don't cooperate, I have other methods, you know. I'll give you one more chance!"

"NO! I WON'T!!!" The figure smiled cruelly and then brought out a knife.

Evil Person's P.O.V.

I laughed as Annabeth screamed in pain. After a while, I realized that it was morning in the mortal world. I sighed unhappily and wiped my knife on my cloak and sheathed it.

"That's enough for today. We'll start again tomorrow, until you agree to my plan." I walked over to her and grabbing her hand, pulled back her sleeve. She was too beat up and tired to fight back, and I inserted a needle into her vein. When all the liquid was gone, I pulled it out and threw it to the side. That would let me control her just long enough until she fell back asleep. I grinned wickedly and snapped my fingers, transporting her back to her bubble. Of course, she wouldn't remember anything that happened. But then again, she wouldn't remember anything else I made her forget either...


Hello Wattpaders! Hope you're enjoying the story so far. MWAH HA HA! Ok, I swear on the River Styx that Annabeth will eventually remember Percy. You can owe that to an anonymous reader who threatened to stab me with a fork 10 times, push me into Tartarus and then send a pack of bloodthirsty monsters after me, then get me back and whack me with a fire extinguisher, and then finally poison me with poison berries.

On that happy note, congratulations to Tulips4me for getting the last question right.

QOTC: What does Bacchus call Jason in Kansas?

StayTrue2You, do not answer, cuz I already told you the answer.


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