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"She's gone Dad! I'll never see her again! I'd rather kill myself and go back to Tartarus than live without her forever!" A single tear rolled down my cheek, and Poseidon gently wiped it off.

"Percy, do you really love her?"

"Of course Dad! Is that really a question? I frickin' went into Tartarus for her!"

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase myself. Would you be willing to sacrifice anything, even-"

"YES DAD!" I yelled.

"You didn't let me finish. Would you sacrifice your friends?" Poseidon sighed when he saw my stunned face.


"There is a special potion that can make you mortal again. The only catch is is that you need to sacrifice someone and half the ingredients are very rare and hard to find."

"Dad, you know my fatal flaw is loyalty. I can't do that!" I said incredulously.

"Percy, I know. But it's your only way of getting back Annabeth. Personally, I don't think-" But I didn't wait to hear the rest. I dashed out of the room, vowing to never use the potion. I used my new godly powers to teleport out into my room, and crashed on the bed. The more I thought about it, the more tempted I was. Finally, I made up my mind. I would find the ingredients, at least. I wasn't ready to kill someone, but by then maybe there would be an alternate solution. At least it would keep my mind off things. I sighed and fished out a drachma from my pocket. I tossed it into a fountain near the TV, and said.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Annabeth Chase." The drachma dissolved and I saw Annabeth's blonde hair. I smiled for the first time in what seemed like forever, but then my grin dropped when I saw her clearly. Her hair was tangled, her shirt was cut in different places, and her eyes were red from crying. Before I could speak, she leaped up and...and...and jumped off the cliff, 300 feet above the ground. The last thing I remembered was my dad flashing in. The room tilted and Poseidon's face grew urgent. Then everything went black.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I have no school tomorrow, so I'll probably have another chapter up! Yay!

QOTC: What was the name of the school Rachel didn't want to go to?


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