A Spark of Hope

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Percy's P.O.V. 

"Percy!" I turned around and found myself staring into the face of my cousin. 

"Thalia! You came!" My face split into a big grin.

"Of course I came cuz. Why wouldn't I?" Thalia tackled me in a big hug. "I've missed you so much!" 

"I missed you too," We broke apart. "Ok, so here's the plan." We sat down and I explained my idea to her. Finally, I finished and she stood up. 

"Percy...that's a really risky plan. There are so many ways for us to die. There's no saying whether we'll come back or not," 

"I...know. I understand that you don't want to come," I muttered sadly and started to walk away. 

"Whoa!" Thalia pulled me back. "Who said I wasn't going to help you?" 

"Wait...so you're in?" 

"Of course! What's a good quest without some danger in it?" I smiled at her response. 

"Great! Let's get to work, we're gonna need to prepare if we're planning on leaving tomorrow!" 

The rest of the day was just a big blur. First, we went to the weapons room. I grabbed a shield and a handful of bead-like spheres that, when consumed, would keep you stronger in battle and help you heal faster. The shield could be converted into a watch, just like my old shield, and I strapped it on my wrist. I put the spheres into a pouch and tossed them to my cousin. 

"Hey cuz do you have any extra ambrosia and nectar? I'm all out," I walked into the next room, then came back holding a baggie full of ambrosia squares and a canteen of nectar. I tossed those to her as well. "Thanks!" she said and stuffed everything into her backpack, then slung it back over her shoulder. 

"Alright, is there anything else we need? I already have drachmas and mortal cash in my bag," I asked as we walked to my room. 

"I don't think so. I'm just anxious to get started," I grinned at my cousin. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" 

----------------------------------------------TIME SKIP---------------------------------------------- 

"If we die, I'm going to kill you!" Thalia snapped and popped a bead in her mouth. We were under attack from a bunch of weird, blue monsters that looked like giant ducks but were way more dangerous. 

"Technically you wouldn't be able to kill me since we would already be dead," I said and slashed at one the Duck Monsters' heads. It roared and snapped at my head. I ducked and stabbed Riptide through its leg.


"Yeeeeeeeees?" I slashed through its neck and it exploded into a cloud of yellow dust. 

"I swear, if we make it out of this alive..." She left the threat hanging and shot an arrow through the second monster's neck. It followed the same fate as the first. Finally, there was one more left. The super big, gigantic, beast. We surrounded it from both sides, with me in the front and Thalia in the back. Together, we attacked. The monster didn't stand a chance. Within a few minutes, it was reduced to a pile of dust. I brushed some dust off me and capped Riptide, shoving it back into my pocket. 

"What even was that thing?" I questioned. 

"No clue, I've never seen it before," 

"It seems as if every time I battle a new monster, there's no other creature that I've never battled before. But no, the list keeps growing!" I muttered in annoyance. Thalia grinned and slung her bow back on her shoulder, where it proceeded to vanish. 

"I don't know about you, but I'm really tired. Let's rest here for a bit," she yawned. 

"Sounds good to me. I'll take first watch," Thalia opened her mouth to protest, but her eyes started to close and she collapsed to the ground. 

"Night Pinecone Face,"

"Night Kelp Head," 


Hey guys! So, I thought I updated this before, but I must have forgotten to click publish, so here's the very late chapter that was supposed to be published earlier! 


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