Short Chapter Cuz I'm Bored

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Annabeth's P.O.V. 

Annabeth looked into the room and sighed. She didn't know what she was doing here, or why she was here. What was wrong with her?! She felt like her whole life was a test. She was _____ from _____ and she wanted _____. She normally liked tests, but if this was one, she hated it! 

"Ughh!" she groaned and plopped down onto her bed, which was a very pretty shade of blue. Actually, more of a sea green. Kind of like... "PERCY'S EYES!" 

"Girl, no one cares about your boyfriend's eyes. There are some fish here trying to sleep!" a voice came from the corner. A clownfish glared at her and swam away. Annabeth shook her head. 

"Ooookkkkk," But she had figured it out! The evil creepy man had taken her memories! Well, he wasn't going to take them again! The next time they met, she was going to give him a piece of her...

Her eyes closed as exhaustion overcame her and she entered an endless void of darkness. 

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