I watched him play until it said that he lost a life, I looked back at him. “Can I try?” He shrugged and gave it to me, he watched me play and told me what I could make out of combining different candies. While I played he told me all the rules and everything so after a while I got the hang of it.

After a few tries I passed. “Hey Cole, I got past that level, and I think I got you a new high score.” I said looking back up at him.

The look that he gave me was priceless, it made me wonder if I looked like that when I saw him speeding past those problems. I smiled and handed his phone back and we walked to class. Parting our separate ways at the locker rooms I looked for any boobietraps that Fiona could have set up for me. I checked my clothes before I put them on too, never know what that girl would do.

Some girl that I couldn’t name leaned against the locked looking at me like I was stupid. “You don’t have to worry about Fiona pranking you today.”

My eyebrows arched. “Why is that?” I stripped and started putting on my clothes taking this girl’s word for it.

She pushed off the locker and walked away, but I could hear her words traveling towards me. “She’s got her eyes set on someone else.”

I was confused, wasn’t Fiona aka Barbie supposed to be tormenting me and plotting my death? I’m not saying that I don’t appreciate this lovely distraction its just I didn’t think she’d give up on me that easily, I feel cheated on. I happily tightened the string on my sweats and put back on my shoes. I felt like skipping to the gym because I was that happy, usually when it comes to this class I have nothing to be happy about because of these people that have corrupted it. It was a new day and I was going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Opening the door to the gym I sat in my ‘assigned seat’ on the gym floor, I looked around to see Cole chillin' with some of the guys in the class. Before he could look up I turned back towards the teacher to hear what we were going to be doing for the last hour of school. Turns out we’re going to be playing that one game that’s like tennis but it’s with a shorter net and there’s something called a ‘birdie’... I didn’t really know what the name of it was but I knew how to play.

Everybody got up and picked out a long slender racket, a birdie and their group of four, I jumped into a random group of people I didn’t know. I looked over to see the group we were facing, tall slender people with long arms... Great, we’re screwed.

When the teacher turned on the radio everybody got their game faces on. Shorties vs. The Tall and Slender. We really couldn’t get anything past them since they could stretch their long arms out using their racket as an arm extension they shot it right past us. It was weird when they hit the birdie with their racket, they made a grunt like they were constipated or trying to lift something heavy. I didn’t understand was I supposed to grunt or what? They acted like hitting that 4.9g birdie was like trying to bounce an elephant off of the racket and back at us... They were a little too serious...

The teacher blew the whistle giving us the signal to switch teams we were going against. I was surprised to see Fiona talking to some guy as they walked over, I couldn’t see his face but I already had a bad feeling and felt annoyed. The teacher blew the whistle again telling us to start the game and since we had the birdie I served, I hit the birdie arming right at Fiona’s face. I swear I almost jumped for joy when it connected with her annoying face. I was filled with so much happiness in that one second and I started laughing along with my team.

I could see her annoyed face though the net, I laughed even harder whipping a fake tear. “The game’s starting Barbie, if you don’t pay attention there’ll be more moments like that.” I blew out a victorious sigh then I looked up.

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