Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


It’s been decided... I’m not going to walk Senior year... I looked to Seth as he continued to try to help me. Really all that happened was that it went in one ear and out the other... woopty mother freaking doo. I was happy my mother wasn’t home, she needs to stay gone... I’d be just fine on my own. While Seth was ‘helping’ me I snapped about five pencils, Seth sighed and pushed the table away from us.

“Maybe we should take a break...” He stood up and started to walk to my kitchen. “Wanna apple or something?” He stood in the frame of the door looking back at me.

I bite my thumb nail as I looked down at my paper still trying to figure out these stupid problems. I waved at him nonchalantly. “Yeah, just get me whatever.”

I studied the paper of letters and numbers as I thought. Maybe I could do this after all...But there’s something that just not there... I thought hard on what I needed, what could complete this stupid thought process of mine. Then something hit me, I picked up my broken pencil and let the led touch the paper. Then, just like that the thought was completely gone, never ever coming back... And it said it’s farewells as it left my brain.

I growled and hit my hand on the table as I was frustrated, I put my head to the cool wooden table. “I’m never going to get this Seth, I’m going to end up like a hobo on the streets.”

I picked up on Seth’s soft footsteps as he reentered the room, he chuckled. “You won’t end up like a hobo, you just have to practice.” He sat down beside me. “And if you do end up like a hobo on the streets you won’t get bullied about it because you’re so dang scary.”

I raised my head just enough to glare at him. “I’m not scary, and that doesn’t help me.” I noticed the pile of grapes on a plate and the strawberries along with banana’s. I raised my head all the way so I could look at him. “What the hell is this?”

Seth raised an eyebrow as he popped one of the purple grapes in his mouth. “What are you talking about, this is brain food.”

I shook my head. “No, that’s not, brain food consists of chocolates, popcorn and chicken.”

Seth shook his head. “And that’s why you’re failing.” He slid a hand down his face, “just try it out for now, it might work out better than chocolates.” He smiled.

I frowned. “Nothing’s better than chocolates.” Seth pushed the plate of grapes towards me. “Whatever.” I pushed a blue hair out of my face and grabbed a few grapes and threw them in my mouth hole.


Seth leaned forward beside me. “Alright let’s pick up from where we left off.” He pointed to the problem we.. No I was stuck on.

He started to break it down for me, all the while I continued to eat the food on my plate. After a while everything seemed liked it was going smoothly. I somewhat understood what he was talking about, and I actually got a problem done! I smiled to myself as my brain started to try to work those rusty gears in my head.

But the sound of car tires running over the concrete driveway shattered everything I had in mind. Dang. I quickly looked to Seth who seemed pleased that he was getting things through to me. I grabbed his arm as I looked out the blinds, double dang. She’s actually here early.

I gulped and started to drag Seth down the long hallway that was completely exposed to the entrance of the house. Seth eyes held a million questions, questions that I couldn’t answer at the moment. I put a finger to my lips shushing him. He quickly quieted as I opened a door to my room and left him inside.

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