It Started With A Bet

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I wish it all started with a kiss

But no, our story is different

It all started with a bet.

A game that I never expected

Involving a girl I never know existed

But I accepted it all the same.

For a month I have to court you

Ask you to be my girl

Then when the day come that you say YES

I'll break your heart and tell you it's not real

That I was just acting all along.

But then I fall in love with you

And I'm worried that if you know

It'll break my heart more than you do.

So what will happen to this game?

Will I win it but then lose you?

Or will you play along and act like you never know?



This one is from the story 'The Bet' by @ilurvbooks

External link is at the right..though it's up to ten chapters only.


Because it's a published story already. So if you really like, go to the nearest bookstore (only in Philippines) and hope you could grab a copy. If you're not from the Philippines, don't worry e-book will be available soon.

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