Chapter 8

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Then it flat lined.......

"NO! NO!" Dick and Barbara held Wally away from Artemis's door.

"Wally! WALLY! CALM DOWN!" Barbara said.

"My wife is dying! I need to see her! I need to see her! She needs me! She....." Wally was cut off by the doctor.

"I'm sorry Mr. West. There wasn't anything we could do. You may see your wife now," the doctor said and then left. Wally fell to is knees.

'Not Artemis,' he thought, 'Not the girl who loves me. We've been through so much. Please, Artemis seems to think there's a God out there. So please, God, save Artemis. I can't live without her.'

Wally slowly opened the door. The sheet was pulled up over Artemis's face and Wally faced over to remove it. He slowly touched her face and laid his head on her stomach, crying when he felt the empty space.

Wally sat there for about four hours, praying that Artemis would come back. He didn't see her eyelids flutter. Or her chest rise and fall. He didn't see her fingers twitch in his hand, or the way her foot moved. However, he did feel her stomach rise and fall.

"A-Artemis?" Wally looked up at Artemis's face longing for her to open her eyes. Artemis barely opened them and he jumped up, shouting to Dick and Barbara to come in. Barbara rushed in and saw Artemis smiling a small smile.

"Artemis! You're okay!" Barbara ran over and pulled her bestfriend into a tight hug.

"Why am I so cold?" Artemis asked.

"Well, being dead for five hours really cools your body off," Dick said. Artemis punched Dick lightly on the arm. That's all she could do. "Good to have you back Artemis."

The doctor ran in and saw Artemis. He ran back out. Dick ran after him.

Artemis cried out in pain as blood started to seep through her bandage again.

"Artemis, breathe. Please, don't leave me again," Wally said taking her hand. Artemis tried to nod but the pain was too intense. Dick brought the doctor back and pushed him up against the wall.

"Go ahead. Tell them what you told me," Dick said.

"Dick, what's going on?" Barbara asked.

"I-I poisoned Mrs. West," the doctor said and got ready to face the consequences. He would never tell them why.

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