Radio Gossip

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Hello Collective and welcome to "Broke and Merciless", your nightly radio broadcast from channel 107.3, WPRS. This is your host Tom Mercer.

Tonight, we've heard some interesting news.

.... and ParanormalLovers ... dating?!

We go to Sarah Broker live on the scene. Sarah?


Yes, Tom, rumors are flying about the latest development in the relationship between these two profiles. I have with me the decaying flesh suit of the mortal incarnation of our ethereal Lady Magistra.

Magistra, what do you have to say about these allegations?


It is shameful how few people remember the story of Eros and Psyche.

--- I see. And how close are you with the Cupid who runs @ParanormalLovers ?


We are deeply involved in each other's affairs.


My Lady, how frequently do you meet to conduct these...affairs?

Oh, all night, every night, Sarah. We like to keep each other occupied.


If I may be so bold, Magistra, what do two do during these...engagements?

. . .




Sarah, it's Tom. I think you might've gotten cut off there. What was that?



Well, Tom, I think I lost consciousness for a minute and saw the face of God, and she is good. When pressed for what these affairs might include and with whom, the Magistra licked her lips, winked at me, and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

I'm not quite sure what she meant, as that doesn't really answer my question at all and disrespects our journalistic integrity, but to be honest I have to admit I am terrified and slightly turned on right now.

I hope to investigate this story further. Perhaps undercovers.


Haha, don't you mean 'undercover', Sarah?


No, Tom, I do not.


This is, uh, it sure is quite a new development. We hope to hear more soon.

Thank you and goodnight, Collective.

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