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Arabella's P.O.V.

I was super furious about what was happening at the moment since Harry kept this whole thing from me! I just couldn't handle what was going to happen when Lynn hears this.

"Maybe you should just try your best with your breathing technique I told you about," my dad said. I was talking to him over the phone, and I was on my bed with my dog.

"I know, but it's just too much for me to handle, you wouldn't understand though," I said.

"Well... You should know that I have actually gone through this phase before, okay?" my dad said.

I sighed and my dog grabbed the bone I got for her and then went by me and then I said: "Well, that's different because you almost got a girl pregnant and that wasn't mom at the time."

I heard my dad sigh and then I said: "Sorry for bringing it up, but this is different still because my friend is hurt still and this redhead wants to join now since she thinks that she played in the game is officially right to do that."

"Technically, you're right in your situation because of what happened, but at the same time is wrong because you don't know the girl and it's still wrong to go ahead and not have her stay with you guys and have 8 on the team," my dad said.

My dog went by me and licked me while I moved positions and got comfortable and rested on my back and said: "The group is supposed to be only 7 since it's the lucky number."

"You might watch some leafy since Karina told me about him and I am just trying to help you out," my dad said. <--- (Leafy reference to my best friend again ❤️)

I was thinking and said, "Well, considering that Karina doesn't want anyone to be like all over Leafy, I won't get her triggered."

My door knocked, and then I said "I got to go, dad. Love you!"

"Love you too," my dad said.

I went to the door and then opened it to see Lynn there, and then I seemed a bit concerned since she was feeling better a bit.

"Hey, I thought you were staying at your parents' place," I said to her.

Lynn walked inside and then I closed the door slowly and then she said: "When did you know about this whole thing going on?"

"I just found out from Harry since she never told me, and you shouldn't be mad at me since I didn't know about it at all," I said.

Lynn sighed and leaned on the counter and then looked at the trophy and then scoffed.

"What?" I said.

"That trophy's really not making me feel any better that we won it," she said a bit pissed off.

"Well, you were resting here, and you couldn't move at all, and I kept sending you messages and stuff to check on you," I said.

Lynn looked at me and said, "That didn't make me feel any better, by the way, and nothing would've since you let that redhead go on the team!"

"We didn't want to lose that game!" I said to her. "You would do the same if was me or anyone else on the team."

Karina opened the door and said "Everything good in there?"

"We're fine!" I said.

She closed the door and then Lynn got up and went to the door and said "Well, I'm not doing anything with the others OR with you until you get rid of that redhead. And if you don't, I'll do it myself..."

Lynn left the place, and then I just got frustrated and kicked the ball on the ground to the wall and just kept pacing back and forth.

I decided to just go to the park with Simon since there wasn't anything to do.

𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 || 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ