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Arabella's P.O.V.


Today was leggings day since all of us in 4 Fun would wear leggings, and my outfit was cool since there was a lot to match.

Karina came out of the room and said "Well, I know why we have this day. Comfy leggings and looking good still..."

I laughed and then I said, "Let's get going to the field before anything else happens."


We were all there, and then Taylor said: "What are we gonna do now?"

All of us didn't know what to do, and then that's when a voice said "Hey! I heard about today!"

We all saw the redhead girl in her leggings, and then Riley whispered: "How come she's here?"

I shrugged and then I asked the redhead "How come you're here?"

She looked confused, and she said: "I thought that I was in the group since your friend told me that there was a spot open..."

I was confused and everyone murmured, and then I said "Which friend?"

Redhead pointed and then we all looked to see Karina, and then she walked backward and ran quickly before Emily said: "What do you mean she told you a spot was open?"

"She said that I could join since you kicked out your friend that got injured," the red head said. "And that way I could play football with other people..."

This was already so confusing and I couldn't get it through my head... Something must've been going on.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was at my apartment with Callux and Calfreezy since we were looking at something related to do for our next video together.

The door started to knock loudly, and then Callux said: "Who's that supposed to be?"

Cal and I shrugged, and Callux went to check it out while Cal said: "We might as well do this video since the can is by the corner of the net and we can do that Snapchat thing."

I nodded and then Callux said, "Harry, it's someone here for you..."

I got up and went over by the door and then a hand grabbed me hard outside and then the door was opened and Bell started yelling:

"Why didn't you tell me about that redhead wanting to join the group!?" she yelled hitting my chest. "You knew about this all along and you never said anything!"

"I'm sorry!" I said trying to push her off. "I was trying to find the right time to tell you and I didn't want you to be mad during the finals but now you know..."

Bell sighed and then Callux poked his head out the door and said: "Well, something may be happening..."

My chest sort of started stinging and Bell said: "You could've just told me..."

She started crying a bit and then I looked at Callux and then I said: "Bell, look..."

Bell didn't want a hug, and then she left the hallway while crying and making a lot of noise.

"You might've got her triggered," Callux said.

I looked at him and then shook my head no...

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