Interview of the Soul

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3 months later...

As Stephanie returned home mid morning from taking the boys to school, running errands with Tommy and setting him down for a nap, she turned on her phone to find that she had received an email regarding her adoption application.

The email read:
Dear Stephanie,
Thank you for entrusting your application to us here at the New Hope Adoption agency. We are one hundred percent behind you on this journey to motherhood. Here at New Hope Adoptions, we believe that family transcends beyond blood and that home is wherever your heart is.

We are pleased to inform you that your application has been reviewed and selected by a young couple who is looking to meet with you. We feel that in order for informed decisions to be made about an unborn child's future, a bond between the biological and adoptive parents should be established. At New Hope Adoptions, there are no strangers; just families.

Please let me know when is most convenient for you and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Ryan McCallister
Adoption Consultant
New Hope Adoption Agency

Stephanie's heart leapt out of her chest as her eyes went from left to right; absorbing every word in that email. She couldn't believe that her dream was one step closer to becoming real. However, as excited as she was, she remembered that adoption was an unpredictable business and there was still a chance for things to go awry. So, Stephanie decided to put her best foot forward and remain optimistic. This was just the beginning and there was more to be discussed and taken into consideration; such as how the meeting with the adoption consultant would fit into her schedule of helping DJ.

Before Stephanie even considered replying to the email, she knew that she had to talk to DJ first to ensure that her schedule was in the clear; if not, Stephanie knew that she could count on Kimmy to take her turn.

"Hey DJ, I've got some exciting news! I received an email from the adoption agency saying that my application has been selected by a young couple who wants to meet with me!" Stephanie exclaimed as DJ answered the call on the third ring.

"Really? That's amazing, Steph! I'm so happy for you. When are you going to meet them?" DJ asked, the excitement for her sister unmistakable in her voice.

"That's the thing..." Stephanie began as her voice trailed off in uncertainty. She then proceeded to explain her dilemma of attending the meeting and having to watch the boys. But thankfully, DJ was quick to respond by saying that Kimmy would be more than happy to take her turn since things at Gibbler Style had been a bit slow.

After confirming with Kimmy and her mind at ease, Stephanie responded to the email with an unsteady grip on her phone whilst her hands trembled with uncontrollable joy.

Dear Mr. McCallister,
Thank you for reviewing and recommending my application. I feel there is no greater joy than that of being a mother. It absolutely devastated me when I received the news that I could not bear my own children. Nonetheless, I cannot wait to provide a child with a roof over their head, food on the table and a loving family.

I am available this Thursday, all hours of the day.
Let me know what time is best for you.
Stephanie Tanner
As per their agreement via email, Stephanie set out at 11:00am that Thursday to meet with Ryan McCallister at the New Hope Adoption Agency's office; which was conveniently no less than a 25 minute drive from the house.

A thousand thoughts raced through Stephanie's mind as she anticipated arriving at her destination. Were the people at the agency as friendly as they seemed online? How old was the couple that chose her? Why were the giving up her baby? How did they know that when the baby was born, they wouldn't change their minds? As anxious as Stephanie was, she knew she had to keep her focus on the road ahead of her. The last thing she needed was a car accident that served as a painful mirror image of her mother's all those years ago.

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