Chapter 11 : Scared to punch

Começar do início

He came over, and sat down.

"I'm such a horrible older brother..."

"No, you're not, Riker. You're an awesome big bro."

"But I can't protect you..."


"I literally failed at the one job I have as being a big brother. I didn't protect you, and now we're going to die, and it's all my fault!"

"Riker, please don't start crying again."

"I can't help it! We worked so hard for this dream, and now we're just going to die. All because of me!"

"Riker, all you have to do is knock one of the guys out and get the keys."

He stayed silent.

"Riker, come on. Please just try. Our lives kind of depend on this."

"Ok, fine," he said, quietly.

He stood up, and walked over to the door. He called for someone to come down. And then he started freaking out.

"What if I miss!? Or he shoots me!? Ross!"

The door swung open, and Riker punched Chris straight in the face. He fell on the floor, unconscious.

"Riker, get the keys," I whispered.

"Do I have to touch him?"

"Riker, it's probably just in his pocket."

Riker sort of cringed, and started searching for the keys. He found them in Chris's sweatshirt pocket, and then came over to me.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I yanked the keys from Riker's hands. Riker screamed, and backed up into the corner of the room. Mike came down, and walked towards Riker.

I fumbled with the keys, trying to get the correct one for the lock.

I heard a crack, and next thing I knew, my brother was on the ground. I got the lock open, and crawled out of the cage. Mike came towards me, but I punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious too.

I ran over Riker. He was out like a light.

"Riker, come on, wake up!"

I started dragging him towards the stairs. And after I'd gotten him up the stairs, he started waking up.

"Come on, Riker. Stand up."

I got him up on his feet, but he seemed really out of it. I got him outside the building, and we heard sirens in the distance. Please hurry!

Riker started falling down. I sort of caught him, and lowered him to the ground.


"God, my head hurts so bad..."

There was blood coming out of his nose. The sirens got closer.

And then I heard footsteps. Mike came walking out, towards us.

I couldn't get Riker up on his feet. Mike went to reach for something in his back pocket, and then like out of nowhere, the girl came running out, and tackled him to the ground. Riker sort of woke up a little bit more, and sat up.

"Riker, we have to go."

Riker POV

"No, we can't. Not without Zoey."



I pointed to the girl slapping Mike.

"Who is Zoey?"

"His sister. And my girlfriend."

"Your dating your kidnapper's sister? Really Riker? What if she's in on it, and we get kidnapped again?"

The police showed up, and handcuffed Mike. Zoey came over, and hugged me.

"He needs to go to the hospital," Ross told a cop.

The took me in one of their cars to the hospital. This isn't going to be fun...

Kidnapping A LynchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora