"Oh baby." I sighed.

"I'm sorry Papa." He cried and crashed into my arms for a hug.

"It's alright baby, everything's gonna be okay. Okay? This was just a one time thing and you will never EVER do it again." I said and he weakly nodded into my chest.

"Papas right because if this ever happens again I'll spank your bottom so hard you won't be sitting down ever again!" Liam interjected and Zayn giggled.

"Come on over here for a group hug." Liam said and Zayn and I both went over to Liam.

Liam's POV

I pulled Louis onto my knees first and then Zayn squished up beside Lou. We stayed like that for ages until I realised that the two other kids had to get ready for bed.

"Okay, I'm going to go and get Niall and Harry ready for bed." I said getting up and kissing them both on the forehead.

I walked into their bedroom to see the both of them lying on the floor just finishing a Disney's Cars jigsaw.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look what me and Ni were able to do!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah baby, you and Ni did a really good job of that jigsaw. Why don't I go and get my phone and then we can take a picture of what you boys have done and then we'll put it back in the box and get ready for bed. Yeah?" I said and the two boys nodded.

I retrieved my phone from Louis and I's room and went back into the boys room. I took a few pictures and then Hazza, Ni and I all took our time putting it back into the box.

"Right! I came in here to get you two into bed so come on." I said. "Hazza you're first babe."

Harry lay down on his bed and waited for me to get a nappy from our room. I quickly took his pyjamas off that he wore last night and all day today and taped the nappy on him with a few sprinkles of baby powder. I got new pyjamas from the drawer for both Niall and Harry and put Harry's on him.

Then Harry sat on his bed with his legs under his covers while I got Niall ready for bed. I helped him take off the pyjamas he was already wearing and then slipped the top over his head and held the bottoms out so he could step into them.

Once both boys had their pyjamas on and were tucked into bed they begged me to read them a bedtime story. So I picked a short one that was about a princess and a prince that meet at a dance.

By the time the story is done, both boys have fallen asleep. I smile and then go to get Louis so he can kiss them goodnight.

"That's the boys in bed Lou. Why don't you go and kiss them goodnight." I say as I walk into the living room.

He nods and lifts Zayn off of his lap and makes his way in the bedroom.

I sit down on the couch and pull Zayn on my lap. He snuggles into my chest and I sigh and start playing with his hair.

"Zaynie, can I see your wrists again for just a second?" I say and he nods and shows me his arms again. At the same time, Lou walks back into the room.

"Lou, babe, can you go and get some cream that I can put on Zayn's cuts? They look really inflamed and I think we've got that healing gel stuff in the bathroom."

Louis nods and goes to get the gel.

"Now Zayn, I mean it when I say I don't want you to do this ever again. We were all so upset. So if you have any problems you can come to Papa and I about them. Okay?" I say.

"I'm sorry Dad." He said and looked down.

"It's okay baby, it's just a little bump in the road. I'm glad we caught it when we did though." I say.

Louis come back with the gel and I start putting a generous amount of it on Zayn's still-healing cuts.

"Now you can kiss goodbye to your privacy for a while. You will be driven to school like Ni and Haz, the bathroom door is not to be locked at any times and you will be searched each night for new scars by either Dad or me." Louis said and Zayn just sadly nodded.

We all snuggled on the couch again, watching an episode of Modern Family to try and lighten the mood.

"We love you so much Zaynie. Never forget that." I whispered and kissed his forehead.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter! If you did, can you tell me what you liked about it or maybe what you didn't like about it?

I need Niall prompts ASAP!

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