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"Sorry." Me and my double began to wale on her with consecutive punches and kickes. My double's movement mirrored my my own. We quickly disarmored Ruby and just continued or fight. Ruby tried her best to block and dodge our attacks but when ever she dodged my attacks she got kicked by my double and whenever she blocked my double's attack I regrettably punched her. Finally we both round house kicked her in the back sending her flying. I was exhausted, breathing heavily and full of sweat. "Stay..... Down." I demanded. I didn't hear her say anything at first. She was out of it. I relaxed my body letting my ice double melt to water. "Olivia go help Ruby." "Right got it." she began running to the fallen brunette. From where my friends where I heard. "Woooo!!" "Good fight!" "Alright Takeda!" along with applause. Team RWBY wasn't so cheery but still applaused. I looked over at Ruby. Before Olivia could heal her she slowly got up. "You got to be kidding me." I let out. She was badly bruised. Regret filled my body as I look at the pain I caused her. "I .... Can still...... Fight." we where body exhausted. I was out of aura and was barely able to stand. Ruby took all those hits and was still going.

"Both of you stop. Your both out of aura." Olivia tried to get through to Ruby but it didn't work. She began to run at me. "Gaaaaaaah!!!!!" she let out a cry. I saw her clench her fist. I had no energy to move out the way but I could block. She was right in front of me. I was ready to block her punch but berfore I know it she was gone. She still had enough aura to use her semblance. She was right behind me now. She kicked me in the back and I fell to the with zero aura left in me. Ruby had won.

  "That was anti climatic end to a fight." Ashton said. "Shut up." Ruby was over with her team celebrating her victory. Olivia had already healed Ruby and was now healing me. Ashton and Gracie were here too. Ashton cuz I wanted to talk to him about something and Gracie because..... Well I like having her around. "I thought you did good." Gracie was holding my hand. It made me smile. "So why you'd want me over here?" he asked. "You saw that last attack I did?" "Yea. What happened? You were winning and then you did that and lost." I sighed. "You know that controling ice is not my semblance right?" "Yea, you control it using your aura." "Well making an ice dill takes to much aura to make. Especially since I'm not use to holding its form for so long. During the fight I burned through too much aura at once and was down to zero almost to quickly." "But what about the ice armor?" Olivia said from behind me. "Wouldn't that take up a lot of aura?"

    "That's different. I inject myself with ice. The ice leaks it's way into my blood stream. Fusing the ice with my blood which is something I posses naturally it makes it easier to substain." "Why do you want me to know this?" Ashton asked me. I felt a pat on my back. "Your good." Olivia said. I got up from the ground and stretched. Ice is elemental and can be controlled. Same for fire which you can control. I wanna teach you this technique." Ashton looked confused for a second. "Why would I wanna learn a move that can deplet my aura?" "I use ice with aura. You use it with fire. It might not effect you like it did me." Ashton thought to himself for a minute. "I'll give it a go. Why not." I gave him a bro fist.

   We all walked back to the academy. "Are you happy now?" I asked the lil one. "No way I could barely touch you. I want another rematch later." I facepalmed. "Ruby I already told you I don't like hitting girls. Its not cool." "Well too bad." This girl. She's too cute it was really hard to fight. "Well at least work on your senses. You'd be able to pin point me easily if you do." I let her have that tip just cuz. "Why not ask Blake for help." Gracie said. She was next to Blake in the middle of the group along with Olivia. Matter a fact I've notice that those three hang out a lot. Also with another faunes with bunny ears and a British ascent. Velvet I think her name was. Guess Blake likes to hang out with faunes. Cool. "After all..." she continued. "She's...." I saw that Blake elbowed Gracie in the hip. ".... Great with that so I'm sure she'll help you." that was weird. It's like they have a secret or something. Oh well.

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