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According to Ashton and Olivia, Takeda was very hard on them and pushed them. I have to be a hundred percent ready and redure as much as I can't untill the end. I followed Takeda in silence through the halls of beacon. We finally stopped in front of a wooden door. Didn't Ashton and Olivia say it was a big metal door. Takeda opened the door. "Come in." he said. This could be a trick. The others said that the room can change environments. Maybe this door was a way to lower my defence or something. I did as Takeda said and walked into the room

It was a rather small room. Takeda turned on the lights. There where two leather chairs facing each other with a small table in between. On the table where two cups and a tea pot. "Sit." Takeda ordered. "I thought we were gonna train." "Zan. Please sit." "I don't have time for your lil tea party." I began to leave the room when Takeda grabbed my arm. "I'm asking nicely." he said in a serious voice. Usually his voice is playful and calm. This was an order to stay. I sat down on the right chair and he sat in the chair in front of me. He poured me some tea. "What kind is it?" I asked. "Green."

He handed me the cup but pointed at his cheeks. "Mask." I took off my gas mask and dropped it on the floor. I took a sip and let out a sigh. I tried to relax the best I can. "Mind taking off your eyepatch too?" Takeda asked. My whole body tensed up. "I rather not." I said calmly. "I'd rather you do." "No." I said more firmly. "Do you not trust me?" I didn't respond and just sipped some more tea. "Zan, it's me. Have I done anything to make you not trust me?" I got up from my chair and went for the door. "Look if your not gonna train me then...." I side stepped to my right. The door was frozen. "Really?" I asked.

Shot gun in his left and katana in his right. I pulled out my nunchucks. "Don't do this Takeda." I warned him. He shot again and I dived to my right and shot at him with my nunchuck. He blocked it with his blade and jumped at me. He brought his blade down on me, so I raised my nunchucks and blocked it with the chains. He hit my side with the butt of his gun. I groaned and turn my nunchucks to the side bringing his blade down. He spun around before his blade hit the ground. I ducked under his strike and jumped over his shot that almost shot my leg. I swung my nunchucks to knock him across his face but he caught it.

His weapons were back on his wraist. "You can stop now and take off the eyepatch." he said calmly. The whole room was full of ice and broken furniture expect for the chair and table for some reason. "I know your lieing to me, to everyone." I jumped back from him and tried not to sound nerves. "No I'm not. You don't know what your talking about." he held his hands up. "Speed isnt your semblance?" he saw me flinch. "Zen I already seen your eye. Remember?" Crap. I thought he was too drunk to remember. I put my nunchucks away and took off my eyepatch. I looked up at him waiting for his response. "A silver eye. The eye of a hero right?" I nodded. "Why do you hide it?" "I have my reasons." Takeda walked back to his chair and took a seat. He motioned me to take a seat across from him. "We have time." I sighed before taking a seat.

"Well all my life people expected great this out of me. Well some people did. Most people thought that I'd be a failure of a hero since it was only one eye instead of two." "Like Ruby's." I rested my elbows on my knees and held my head with my hands. "Yea. I lived in a small village. We had no hunters in our village at the time, not for a long time. My parents forced the whole hero thing on me no matter what I said." Takeda poured me a new cup of tea and passed it to me. "I'm guessing your childhood wasn't sun-shine and rainbows huh." I took a sip from the cup. "Mmm. One day when I was 10 a bunch of grim attacked the village. We tried to fight back but in the end our fate was sealed." I set my cup down and just tried to regain my thoughts. I don't like to think about this. Way am I telling Takeda this? I felt his hand on my shoulder. "It's ok."

I sighed again then looked up at him. "I almost died but a man came and struck all the grim down. If not for him then I'd be with my parents. After that I came to vale and here I am." Takeda to a sip of his tea. "Do you remember the man? What he looked like?" That's a weird thing to ask. "Umm well.... To be honest my eyes were full of tears so it's a blur, but I remember a brown hood and a lil hair on his chin." "And his weapon?" "I think it was a buster sword." "Hmmmm." Takeda had a serious look on his face. Did he know this man? "Takeda, what's wrong?" "Huh?" he snapped out of it. "Its nothing. Hey do you wanna go train or we can just chill if you want." "just this once I guess chill."

"So what's your semblance?" I finshed my tea and he was pouring me a new cup as he said that. "Well remember how I said before that the eyepatch let's me sees things faster right?" "Mmm." he passed me my cup. "Well Its something like that. I have sonar vision. I can see what's around me with in a half a mile radius." "I'm guessing it even works when your eyes are closed. "Yes but it doesn't work when I'm asleep. That's how I didn't know the grim attack untill to late." "When I hit your hip and you groaned and closed your eyes, but you were still able to dodge and block my attacks. That's what tipped me off. "Oh. Smart." "Well that and in your fight with Weiss you got tired to quickly dodging. If Speed was your actual semblance than you can last more than that. Ruby's semblance is Speed and I can already tell your not as fast as her. Your fast but not that fast."

We spent all our time drinking tea and talking. It was relaxing. "Hey Zan." we were walking back to our room. "Yea?" "If you ever need someone to talk to then I'm always here." "Yes I know." he put his hand on my shoulder. "Not just me. You have teammates too. Ashton and Olivia would help you out too. If one of us is in trouble, then we all suffer. Don't forget that." Takeda. No wonder Ozpin made you the leader of our team. "Don't worry. I won't."

Hey guys..... Long time no publish........ Sorrrrry. I've procrastinated this long enough plus with school now but I'm not gonna lie it maybe awhile for the next chapter but I will work. As for last time with the whole vote thing...... Maybe that was to early for that but what ever. I published a Sao book regardless so go check that out but I hope you enjoyed this Chapter of Zan and I'll see y'all later.

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