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"Wake up..... Come on wake up!" I yelled at my team mates. It was early the next morning like a 7:30ish. We were in our dorm room all sleeping together in separate beds, which was a big I'm provment to the sleeping bags the first night. I was the first one up ready for the day while everyone else was asleep. Even thou we had our room we still need to unpack. Since everyone was asleep I did the only logical thing a leader would do. I jumped up and down on all of there beds yelling "Wake up!" . After some moaning complains that finally got up. After we change out of our PJ's and into our school uniforms. Girls wore red mini skirts with a black uniform jacket outlined red, while boys wore black dress pants with black uniform jacket outlined blue. Both boys and girls had white button downs underneath along with and optional blue, black or, red tie. I wore a red tie, Emma had blue, Tessa black along with Nat. "Sooo now what? We still have another hour before class starts." Nat said. "Guess we should unpack." Emma told us. We looked at our lougage in the front of the room. "Ooooor we can get some more sleep?" Nat insisted. Tessa punched him in the arm. "Lets just get this over with." "Right if we work together we'll have time for a lil rest." I said.

"Uhh guys." "What is It Emma?" I looked down at my watch. 8:55. "Shit we gotta run!" "Wait why?" "We're gonna be late!" "No rest?" "shut up Nat!" we all burst through the door. BONK!! "Ow!" I bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground. I looked up and found Takeda getting up. He held out his hand. "You guys late too?" I let him help me up. Our team mates ran past us. "Come your suppose be leaders." Ashton yelled. We rejoined our friends. "Just because we're leaders doesn't mean we gotta be line leaders!" Takeda yelled. We ran and saw another group of students, also running late. "You guys also late?" The one in front of the group yelled. "Can't talk, running!" She had short brown hair and I think silver eyes. "Wait what class do we have." a boy with short blonde hair said worriedly. As I ran I opened my schedule. (think of a really cool iPad) ."Umm my team has history with Professor Port." Takeda opens his. "Same." he said. "Same." "Same." Said the blondie and brunette. We all ran to our class.

"Gahh!! Finally over." Nat plopped onto his bed. We still got some stuff to put away. "Are you gonna help or not?" Tessa said as she kicked his leg. "Mmmm but it's been a long day and I need rest." "You slept in class. Shut up and help us." "Fine." He got up and started to help us. "Don't forget Takeda invited us to go out." I said as I was putting new bed sheets. "Where exactly did he said he'd take us again?" Tessa was organizing all the books we all brought on a shelf. "He said it was a surprise." Nat said. He was laying down on Tessa's bed. "How the hell is this helping us get settled?" "I'm making sure this bed is comfy enough for you." he said make himself more at home on her bed. "Hmm I dont know...." He jestered Tessa to come over. "..... Maybe you can help me out."

"Alright, let's go." I said. We all got dressed in our original clothing since we all agreed we feel more comfortable. Speaking of comfortable, Nat isn't right now. We all agreed it was a good idea for Tessa to punch him in the face. Well all of us except Nat. We all walked out of the room. Nat had a nosebleed, and not the good kind. His aura was slowly healing his nose. I knocked on Takeda's team's dorm door. Takeda answered the door. "Hey guys you ready? Nat, dude, you ok? Want me to get Olivia?" Tessa put her hand in front of Nat's face before he can say yes. "He doesn't deserve her help." she said. "Agreed." "Also agreed." I also said with Emma. "Ooook well we're ready so let's go." Ashton, Olivia, and Zan came out wearing their original clothes as well. "Where too?" I asked. "Well I was hoping you can...." Before Takeda could finish a door opened up in front of us. It was Ruby the leader of team Rwby. I still think it's a lil confusing. She had on her red hooded cape along with her black battle skirt and black boots. "Oh. I thought I heard people talking out here. What are you guys doing?" she said cheerfully. "We're going out for a bit." Ashton said. "Wanna come along?" Takeda asked. Ruby's face brighten up all of a sudden. "Really, That sounds great! Let me ask my team." Just then the door across from her's opened up. Jaun came out still in his battle armor, black T shirt, brown gloves, and blue jeans. "What's going on?" he asked. "Get ready were all going out!" Ruby yelled. "W..wait Ruby I think..." Takeda protested. Too late everyone from both team can put and crowded the small hall way. Weiss wore her white battle skirt under her white jacket along with white boots. She also had a long white pony tail going down her right side. Blake had a black bow on top of her long black hair. She had white shorts with a black and white dress. She had black shoes and black kneesocks. Yang had long blond hair. She had a small orange scarf around her neck. She had a yellow T shirt under a light brown jacket that both were to short so the guys get so stomachs action. She had black gloves with yellow bracelets. They kinda remind me of Takeda's wrist bands. She had black shorts with brown boots and orange socks. The whole team Rwby followed us outside along with Team Jnpr (Juniper). Nora had short orange hair with a white shirt with some black on the shoulders along with a heart key hole. She wore a pink skirt. Pyrrha the strongest in the group had red hair in a ponytail plus a gold crown. She had a brown and gold body armor with a mini black skirt with a red sash around her waist with gold boots. Kinda roman but cool. Lastly Ren. He had black hair with a pink strip. He had a green and black shirt on with white pants. We all walked outside of school and went to down town Vale.

"So where to?" Yang asked. Takeda was leading us through the streets of Vale. "Its around the corner. Come on." We walked on ahead. I leaned over to Ashton. "Do you know where we're going?" I whispered. "No, he just said get ready." he whispered back. We walked a lil more untill. "Here we are!" we stopped in front of a karaoke bar. It was a small building with neon lights. "Really bro? Karaoke." Ashton said. "Oh come who doesn't like to sing. Plus it'll be fun to just chill and hang out." Takeda said. "Agreed. It will also provide team bonding." Pyrrha added. "I'm down for it but I won't sing obviously." Emma said. "I'm an excellent singer. I'll show you all how its done." Weiss said proudly. "Its not a competition Weiss, but it sounds fun I guess." Blake said in a mellow tone. "So we're all in agreement?" Takeda asked us all. "Yea!" everyone shouted.

And BAM!!! Another chapter bitches...... No offence 😋. Phew man 3 in one day. Niiiiiiice if I do say so myself. So yea I'm gonna do some filler chapters cuz I noticed that a few weeks pasted between a episodes so why not have some fun. Anyway guys hope you enjoy if you want me to do more filler chapters or just go on with the story than tell me. If you want more fillers than give me ideas if you got some. Anyway I'll see you guys later. Oh and here's another funny pic 👇.

Ha baka.

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