|14.| Visit

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It's easy to drown pain with a drink, so easy, that Hermione found herself drunk,= before fifteen minutes had passed of them being there. Draco — on the other hand — was still sipping his first drink. He had no intentions of getting drunk, he just knew Hermione needed something. She was full of so much hurt and broken pain, he couldn't handle her. He didn't know how to deal with her emotions, and he hated how they affected him. He knew she would drown herself in alcohol to forget, so, he thought that maybe that's what she needed again. Not, of course, that he cared. He still despised her, he just wanted her tears to stop. Also, he had to take her out at least once, just to keep up the appearance.

"Do you remember," Hermione begins, before patting the table a few times. "The time you — oh," she stops, just as she looks over at the door.

Draco turns his head to see what she was looking at, but freezes when he sees Ron Weasley walking in. Ron had not yet seen the couple, and Draco knew he had to do something, before Hermione's drunken state could blow everything.

Before Ron could even look in their direction, they were back at the manor.

"I saw Ronald!" Hermione almost shouts, as she looks over at Draco with wide eyes. "I should have talked to him! He is my boyfriend, and I feel rather rude, now." Despite her slurring words, Draco could understand her plain as day.

"Calm down, Granger, you'll get to talk to him soon enough," Draco lies, just wanting her to stop shouting.

"No, I won't. You'll kill me, before — before I get the chance." Hermione was now stumbling, and Draco found himself catching her a few times as they walked up the stairs, until he eventually picks her up, and just carries her. "Set me down, Malfoy. Enemies don't carry enemies."

"Would you rather I let you fall on your face?" He snaps. "Because, I'd gladly let you down."

"No," she whispers.

"Then, for Merlin's sake, Granger, shut it." He wasn't angry with her, he was just highly annoyed. After all, half of the day was already over with, and what had he accomplished? Getting Granger drunk? It wasn't even as if she were a funny drunk, either.

"Where are you taking me? To the dungeon?" She asks, a slight shake of worry in her voice.

"No, you're going to bed," he grumbles. "I should not have gotten you drunk," he mutters to himself.

"Too late, now," she smiles at him, and he wonders why she was so happy all of the sudden. Drinking had never made him happy, it only increased his anger. No wonder she drank so much.

What made him happy, was setting her down on the bed, his arm half asleep from carrying her. "Are you going in your chair?" She asks as he covers her with the blanket.

"No, I have things I need to do. Go to sleep," he tells her, before swiftly leaving the room. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her happiness, nor her drunken state, nor her pain, nor anything else to do with her. He may have not killed her yet, but he had other things he needed to plan out. Other things to attend to. Her time was coming soon, but he wasn't ready. He needed to be driven to carry out the action of actually killing her, that he decided to visit an old friend that used to hate Granger just as much as he did. Actually, she hated Granger more, but that was beside the point.

Making sure he not only had the Elder Wand, but his own wand, he apparated out of the manor, before appearing in front of Parkinson's flat.


"Well, well, well," Pansy smirks as she opens the door, only to find herself face to face with an old favorite of hers. "Draco Malfoy, what do I owe the pleasure?"

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