|11.| Thief

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Draco and Hermione were the only ones eating breakfast. They happened to wake up late in the morning — both of them sleeping tremendously well, most likely the best they've slept in a very long time. Even Draco, despite sleeping in that chair — leaving them the only people in the manor. This, resulted in a very awkward breakfast.

Draco sat across from Hermione, and whatever he did, he couldn't find it in himself to look at her. The thought of telling Potter what he did, was eating him alive, and he wished he would have told Potter he killed Granger, to make this much easier for himself. Potter would come after him, broken and beaten, and Malfoy could destroy him once and for all. However, if Harry Potter knew Draco Malfoy killed Hermione Granger, Potter may come after Draco with an army, and Draco didn't want that. He just wanted it to be Harry and him, fighting until the deaths. Malfoy didn't have enough allies to fight another war, that would mean almost death for himself.

Not only was Draco thinking about all of this, but he wasn't sure about what he was going to do with Granger. She couldn't stay here alone, but he couldn't stay here and watch her, for he had other matters to attend to. Maybe I could drag her along, he thinks to himself, before realizing that is also risky. But not given many choices, he finally came to the agreement of taking her with him.

"Are you finished?" He asks her. "If you are, we need to go, and if you're not, hurry the hell up," he snaps, trying to keep up his angry and annoyed appearance. He wasn't actually irritated anymore, for despite waking up on the wrong side of the chair, he had slept tremendously and the food also helped.

"Where are we going?" She asks him, not taking any notice to his rude demand. She knew he was going to be rude to her, it was just something she had accepted. What she didn't know, was how she was going to help him if she could barely stand to look at him.

"None of your business, you'll find out soon enough. Get up," he tells her, before walking over to her, and holding out his hand. "Granger, take my hand," he demands.

"Why?" She asks, being confused. First he wants to kill her, now he wants to hold her hand?

"For Merlin's sake!" He sighs, before grabbing her hand, and apparating out of the manor.

It was only a second, before Draco and Hermione appeared where he wanted them to be. Outside of Theodore Nott's flat. Nott happened to carry many illegal magical possessions, causing him to be just the man Draco needed to see. However, Draco was slightly hesitant to take Granger inside, and he was tempted to put a disguise on her, but what was the sense? Everyone seemed to know Malfoy was running with Granger anyway, due to Skeeter's lies.

Sighing, he walks through the front door, before telling Hermione it was three flights up. "Go first," he tells her, not wanting to give her a chance to escape, despite knowing she most likely wouldn't, especially not after her staying yesterday.

Hermione doesn't argue, just tries to catch her balance — whenever she would apparate, it would also throw her off slightly — and walks up the stairs. "It's flat C-14," Draco tells her, just to receive a nod in response.

Hermione had no idea where she was, or who they were visiting, but there was a bad feeling brewing inside of her, and she clenched her fists to calm herself down. She was growing weary, and she missed Ron and Harry and Ginny tremendously. She couldn't think about her best friends, though, for she would become emotional, and that was the last thing she needed, especially right now. For she knew that whoever was behind the worn down door, was most likely trouble, and she needed to be ready, disarmed or not. Ask Malfoy, she thought to herself. He knows I can pack a punch.

"Nott, open the door," Draco says rather loudly, before knocking on the door in a harsh manner.

"Coming! Coming, for Merlin's sake," Theo laughs, as he opens the door, only to stop when he sees Hermione Granger standing next to him. "Well, I'll be damned. The first time that bitch doesn't lie in the papers, and it's about you and Granger," Theo sighs, as he shakes his head. "Come in."

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