|06.| Guest

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"Hermione?" Hermione heard after what seemed like hours, before she lifted up her head and found her three best friends standing in her doorway. That was also when she realized she hadn't shut her door after Draco ran out. "Are you okay?" They all three asked in unison, when they saw her tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.

"I'm fine," she lied, before standing up and fixing her clothes that happened to twist on her slightly from her crumpled sitting position.

"'Mione, you're anything but fine," Ron pointed out the obvious before Ginny smacked him in the arm and walked over to give Hermione a hug.

Since it was exactly what Hermione needed, she couldn't help but feel emotional all over again. It had been one of those types of weeks — despite the week barely starting — and she felt as if she could no longer pretend or put on a brave face.

Ginny and Hermione just stood there for a few moments, hugging and in Hermione's case, sort of crying. Ginny knew something had to have happened for her to be so shook up, and she couldn't help but assume it either had something to do with Narcissa, Draco, or both. Whatever it was, Ginny was sure to find out for herself.

"What — what are you guys doing here?" Hermione sniffled after she let go of Ginny, wanting to know why her friends came to visit her. It wasn't as if they needed an excuse to see her, she just didn't know if they wanted something or wanted to just visit.

"You weren't at work today, we were wondering if you were okay. Clearly we made a good choice when we decided to come see you," Ron spoke up, as he looked over his girl, wondering what the bloody hell had happened. Everything went downhill since she saw Malfoy, he inwardly told himself, and he couldn't help but feel jealous. He knew that Hermione and Draco hated each other, but that didn't take away his doubts.

"I don't need babysitting, Ron, I'm fine," Hermione informed him rather harshly. It wasn't as if she was offended that he was here, it was the way his demeanor was, as if something was bothering him.

"Doesn't look to me like you're fine," he half laughed. "If that's fine, 'Mione, then I must be the happiest person alive." He attempted a joke, but no one else found his humor even remotely funny. He most certainly didn't take after his brothers Fred or George when it came to humor. If anything, he was beginning to remind Hermione of Percy. A git.

"Alright, boys, out!" Ginny shood, before waving her hands ferociously at Harry and Ron, trying to get them to leave. "It's girl's time now."

"But — but I'm her boyfriend!" Ron explained as Ginny pushed him out the front door.

"Yeah?" Ginny replied sarcastically. "Well, I'm her best friend." With that, Ginny slammed the door in both boys' face, before turning around and sighing at Hermione. "What happened?" She whispered as she walked over to where the broken girl was standing.

"Would — would you like some tea?" Hermione asked as she tried to remains good hostess through her prominent tears.

"To hell with tea, I want to know if you're okay."

"Will I ever be okay?" Hermione asked weakly, still trying to smile through the pain.

"Yes, eventually, yes. It may be years from now, decades even, but you'll be okay. Look around you. You have me, Harry, Ron, and we all love you. Not to mention Luna and Neville and Seamus and Dean and so many others. You're not alone in this terrible world, Hermione, and you're not the only one pretending every day. Now, I am in no way as broken up about the war as you are, but I still feel the pain. I miss family every bloody day, but there's nothing I can do. However, I can try to help you, and that would help me and I'm sure it'd help all of us. You're our friend — my best friend — and I just want to see you smiling and laughing, without it being forced. So, yes, Hermione, you'll be okay soon. I'll be sure of it."

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