⚜chapter 4⚜ When Life Gives you Lemons. . .

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     "Hey!!!" Haurhi screams and you shoot up looking around.

     "Fire!" You scream flailing your arms and she looks at you. "Well... More like a hurricane..."

     "Sorry... You feel asleep again.... Did you get a good nights rest?" She asks eyes wide and you look down at the ground. "Y/N."

     "Yes I slept fine! Just stop asking me that." You mumble and yawn as you hide it by looking down. You couldn't sleep at all last night with Hunny's taunting voice waking you up every second. "What are you doing?"

"Making lemonade." She states and squeezes a lemon and smiles towards you. "I think it's swell weather to do that with!"

"Swell?" You laugh and she rolls her eyes as you smile slightly. "Say... Do you think.... Never mind..."

"Y/N... You can't do that." She says turning and folding her arms. "What's wrong?"

"Well... Has Hunny just changed around women a lot too?" You asks and she snorts as she takes the pitcher and measures her sugar. "Is that question odd?"

"He's defiantly had his share of women.... He's more experienced than than the twins." She mumbles and pours water as she stirs. "Y/N, you might want to just give up on fixing him..."

"I can't get over it!" You grumble and she turns to you as she smiles sadly.

"If Mori can than you can." She says resting a hand on your shoulder as a knock comes from the door. "Oh! I wonder who that is." She waltz out and you have a funny feeling that you are about to get a little more of the boys. You hear the door open and a loud bang follows as you peer into the entryway.

"We're home!" The twins cheers and Kaoru slides to you wrapping an arm around you waist. "How you doing m'lady?" He nods and Hikaru snorts pushing him away with a chuckle. "Leave her be Kaoru." He says and smiles down at you. "You look like you just woke up." He points to your disheveled hair and you blush as you tuck your hair away.

"Leave her be you two." Kyoya barks as he steps inside with Tamaki behind him. Haruhi shuts the door as Kyoya pushes the twins away. "Good morning Y/N." He smiles at you and Tamaki slips in and hugs you happily.

"Oh Y/N!!! It still feels like a dream having you back home!" He squeals happily swinging you around in his arms and you groan.

"Tamaki.... Can't breath....." You whisper and the twins yank him away as Haurhi calls from the kitchen and you catch your breath.

"Anyone want some lemonade?" She calls and Kyoya smiles as we step into the kitchen and sit down. "Here you guys go." She sits down glasses with clinking ice and you take a sip. You smile happily and the twins sigh happily.

"I remember having a lemonade stand when we were little...." Hikaru states and Kaoru nods a Kyoya smirks as him and Tamaki exchange glances.

"I bet Tamaki's and mine's were so much better!" He cheers and Haurhi sips at her lemonade.

"Bull-shit." Hikaru states folding his arms with a glare. "Ours would kick yours' ass!"

"Ha HAHA!" Kyoya and Tamaki throw their heads back laughing and you already have the bad feeling of what's to come.

"There is only one way to settle this..." The twins growl as their eyes gleam.

"LEMONADE WAR!" They each screech and burst out the door as Haurhi sips calmly on her lemonade.

"What just happened?" You mumble looking at her as she shrugs and sighs setting her glass down.

"War dear Y/N-chan..... War." She mumbles as her eyes cascade downward and you take in a deep breath.


The air is thick with the sense of victory just waiting to be clenched as you watch from the porch. Two lemonade stands stand on either side of the walkway to the house. You and Haurhi sit in chairs as the four of them stare at each other. The entire thing seems absolutely ridiculous.

"Make sure to tell your mother I said hi when you run home crying to her." Hikaru hisses as Kyoya laughs pushing his glasses up.

"How immature....." He mumbles and Tamaki nods as he turns and Kaoru flips the sign to open at the same time Tamaki does.

"Come one come all!" Tamaki shouts as a few people turn to look at him. Mainly women I may add. "Come try our amazing lemonade, all money goes to a charity!" Instantly a flurry of girls run up heart popping out of their eyes.

"Hey you!" Kaoru shouts to a group of girls and they turn as he smiles waving his fingers. "You look pretty thirsty, wanna have a glass of lemonade... It's pretty hot but it might just be because of you." He winks and they fumble over panting as he smiles at them.

"This seems more of a battle of charm than lemonade." You mumble and Haurhi nods firmly as she props her feet onto an ice chest. "What's that for?"

"If things get to out of hand." She states plainly as she smiles slightly. You turn your gaze back to the scene unfolding as more and more people line at each stand and your body heats with anticipation as the sun rises and falls.


You lay the last few bills down and sigh as Haurhi nods.

"340 dollars." You both say and they each groan. "You guys made the exact same amount."

"Well great... Now what do we do?" They mumble and instantly they turn to you. You frown and wave your hands.

"Alright.... Bring out the lemonade." You grumble and they each smile and bring you their lemonade concoction. You sigh and Haurhi places a glass of water and you take a single sip from the twins glass. A familiar taste fills your mouth and your frown as you swallow and take a drink of water. Picking up Kyoya's and Tamaki's lemonade and taking a drink. The exact same flavor sills your mouth and you swallow as you think it over and sigh. "They are the exact same...." You mumble and their eyes widen as you point as them and glare. "And it's Haurhi's lemonade!"

"What....." Haurhi mumbles and they smile nervously as she walks to the fridge and she frowns. "No wonder it kept disappearing...." She mumbles and laughs as she digs into the ice chest.

"W-whatcha doing there Haru?" Kaour says nervously as she shakes her head and turns with lemons loaded in her arms.

"Revenge." She mumbles tossing lemons at them and they take off. She charges after them and you pick one up from the floor. Completely frozen.

"Honey I'm ho-" Tatsuro peers from outside as they run out the door Haurhi chunking her frozen lemons. "What in the world?!" He calls and walks to you holding a lemon. "What happened?"

"Well.... They stole her lemonade recipe..." You mumble and toss a lemon around. "So she's getting her revenge."

"Ahh..." He mumbles and peers into the ice chest. "So they had a lemonade competition?" He asks as you nod and he snorts. "When life gives you lemons. . ."

"You freeze them and throw them as hard at you can at people." You finish a he nods and washes his hands as you toss the lemon into the chest.

The open front door bringing in a nice breeze and the petrified screams of the boys from Haurhi's rain of torture.


Thanks so much for reading guys!!! I know the entire club wasn't in there but I really hope you enjoyed!!! Please, vote, comment, add and follow for more!!! I love you guys so much! Also! Make sure to check out my new story!!! Demon Got my Tongue. It's a Blue Exorcist X Reader fanfic!!!

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