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Name: Rain (technically doesn't have a last name)
Gender: female?? No one really knows and TBH I don't think she has any genitals but she acts pretty girly so???
Sexuality: ???
Relationship status: single
Age: 10?
Birthday: January 26th
Height: 4'6
Weight: 68
Species: she's made of water
Likes: The ocean, rainy weather, Lauren and David (her adoptive parents), waterfalls, flowers, anything you can imagine that calming and nice.

Dislikes: evil people, being under pressure, things being too loud
Lauren: her adoptive mother. She is very kind to her and took her in out of motherly instincts and scientific fascination. Lauren cares for rain deeply and treats her like her own daughter. She does do studies on her but makes sure not to harm her.
David: her adoptive dad. She may be closer with Lauren but still loves her "dad" as well. David makes sure that nothing bad happens to rain and knows that Lauren would be devastated if such a thing ever happened. He's such a dad(tm) tbh
Marty: technically her brother but they don't live with eachother. He also is protective of her. TBH who wouldn't be.
Lucy: treats her like a sister would. Lucy grew up with only a brother so it's nice to finally have a younger sis
Melanie and Ayano: Big sis and big bros friends! They're super nice to her.
Kandy: kinda like her rival. Kandy is a violent, happy go lucky little girl while rain is a calm, caring child. Rain knows there's something sorta wrong with kandy and tries to help sometimes. even if she doesn't really trust her.

Personally: calm, polite, nice.
Occupation: she's a child

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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