Allison Douglas

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Name: Alison Douglas
Sexuality: Asexual panromantic
Relationship status: Single
Age: 23
Birthday: June 3rd
Height: 5'2
Weight: 115
Species: Human
Likes: Conspiracy theories, aliens, space, really anything that has to do with space and aliens, the x-files.

Dislikes: People who tell her she's crazy for believing in aliens.
Andrew: Probably her best friend. They're both huge nerds so it works out.
Adrian: Her brother. She lives with him since her "job" is trying to prove that aliens are real and that's pretty much all she does. He's pretty financially stable so he doesn't mind too much.
Ignis: her best friend. In fact pretty much her only real friend? They have a very wholesome relationship and are very close. That being said, Alison still doesn't know that ignis is an alien. Guess ignis is really good at hiding it?
Mars: they aren't very close but it's not like they hate eachother? They really only know eachother because sometimes adrien drags Alison to his job with him.
Enemies: she's gotten into trouble with a few "secret organizations" and even regular organizations due to her enthusiasm on extraterrestrial life forces.
Personality: space nerd, kinda crazy but hey at least she's passionate about something, actually pretty smart.
Occupation: none really. All she cares about it is proving that's aliens are real and the government is trying to cover it up. She spends her days in Adrian's basement watching conspiracy theory videos on YouTube, doing "research", and occasionally helping Adrian out with his love life.

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