Alex Deleon

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Name: Alex (i don't have a last name but he's ayano's brother)
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship status: Ot3 with his roommates Delilah and Chris. (He likes both of them)
Age: 26
Birthday: September 3rd
Height: 5'7
Weight: 145
Species: same as ayano
Likes: video games, math (wtf), English, science, he's really fricken smart but he doesn't seem like it.

Dislikes: using his "powers" cause he wants to be considered a "normal" person. Delilah's friend Evan (he gets jealous)
Ayano: his sister. They used to be very close with eachother until he turned 17 and left her. They haven't seen eachother in years and ayano is very bitter. (Until of course since ayano is 18 or smth and finds him)
Delilah and Chris: his two roommates. There's kinda a love triangle going on between them. Alex has a crush on both of them (Delilah more so) and Chris likes Alex.
Marty: they only meet when ayano is reunited with Alex. Marty is kinda also bitter towards Alex cause he abandoned ayano.
Personality: Problematic fave. Hella smart but doesn't really seem like it on the surface. Kinda an asshole but unintentionally. Just wants a normal life.
Occupation: working to become a math teacher. In college.

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