Chapter 20

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When Valerie, Gideon, and Chrome left many hours later, Valerie's voice was hoarse from talking, but she was wide awake as adrenaline pumped through her. The Grand Masters had embraced her idea and debated who would be the best Conjurors to send to Earth and how to get them there. She entrusted Skye and Calibro with the task of managing the effort and consulting with her on the tactics. Before she left, they agreed on a time when she would introduce them to Chisisi and Thai.

When they stepped beyond the protective barrier surrounding Calibro's backyard, the birds were back in full attack mode.

The air was thick with their wings, and Valerie struggled to see the path forward. She followed Chrome's trail, since the birds gave him a wide birth after he flashed his sharp white teeth.

"Girl, do you go to the ice castle?" chirped one bird.

"Your name! Your name!" shouted another.

Valerie put her hands over her ears and followed Chrome, hoping he knew where he was heading. After what felt like forever, she saw the glittering towers of Kanti's family's spectacular ice castle. When they passed through the gates, the birds did not follow. She heard a collective high-pitched groan from the birds.

"Peace at last," Gideon said with a sigh of relief. "Kanti's family was wise to bar the entrance of the birds."

Now that she could look around properly without interference from the birds, Valerie could see that the castle was full of people and light. It shone from within, casting a blue glow over the grounds.

"Chrome and I will wait here while you collect your friend," Gideon said, stopping inside the gates.

Valerie winced, dreading facing the crowds of curious visitors who had come to the castle. She wondered for the first time what distraction Kanti had cooked up. She'd obviously been highly effective.

She had barely crossed the threshold when the silliest of Kanti's sisters, Amaryllis, threw her arms around her. Amaryllis giggled like she couldn't stop.

"You made it! What incredible news, huh? That sister of mine never stops surprising us," Amaryllis said.

Before Valerie could ask what she meant, she was swept inside as another crowd of well-dressed Conjurors flowed through the front door.

Valerie spotted another of Kanti's sisters, Peach, in lively conversation with a circle of friends. After moving from room to room, she also saw Isabelle, Kanti's third sister, glowering on the gigantic spiral stairway that led to the upper stories of the castle.

Isabelle was joined by her sisters and parents, and she gave Kanti a withering glare before forcing herself to assume an expression more suitable to a princess. Kanti's father raised his glass, and the room went quiet.

"Friends, we are so happy you are here on this joyous day," Kanti's father, George said. He pulled his wife close to his side. "Pauline and I have been hoping for this ever since our sweet Kanti left us to go to Arden. We didn't understand then what drew her away, but she has grown into a wise and powerful young woman whom we couldn't be more proud of."

"And beautiful!" someone in the crowd shouted, and Valerie could see Kanti forcing herself not to make a face at the comment.

The room erupted in cheers. Next to her parents, Kanti had a smile on her face that Valerie immediately registered was fake, but she doubted that any of the guests could tell. Kanti's eyes roamed the room and stopped on Valerie's. Her smile slipped.

Valerie was confused by the strange expression on her friend's face until her mother spoke.

"Kanti has agreed to spend half of each year in Elsinore, providing council to her subjects as one of its ruling princesses. All hail Princess Kanti!" Pauline said, her voice ringing with pride as she gripped her daughter's hand and held it up high.

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