Chapter 2

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Several hours later, Valerie dropped Tan off at the dorm of the Society of Imaginary Friends, where the dorm matron and Valerie's friend, Dulcea, said he could stay until he decided what guild he wanted to join.

Even though Tan had been pleasant and amusing as she'd shown him around, Valerie was exhausted. She wondered if that was how her best friends, Cyrus and Kanti, had felt after introducing her to life on the Globe when she'd arrived two years ago.

Her steps grew lighter as she approached her new home with her father and brother. She reached the garden and saw her father with his hands in the soil.

Oberon was teaching Valerie how to garden. She didn't have his natural gift, but she loved working in the sunshine with him.

Without a word, Valerie knelt beside him, and as they worked together, she let the heat from the earth and the smell of the blooms around her relax her mind. Their peace was interrupted by the sound of the garden gate slamming.

"I thought you two might be in need of some sunshine to help those flowers grow, so here I am," Cyrus joked. He leaned down to hug Valerie even though she was covered in dirt and sweat.

She wiped a smudge from his cheek. "Sorry. I must have lost track of time. Do we need to go?"

Cyrus shrugged. "You know the cool kids always come late."

He gave her a wink and then blushed. Ever since he'd kissed her a couple of months ago, things had been a little strained between them.

Valerie laughed, and she saw her father smile at the sound. "Thanks, Cy. But for you, I'll hurry up and get ready."

"Go on then," Oberon said to her. "I'll keep Cyrus entertained."

Valerie hurried through her grooming ritual, hoping that jeans were okay for the Globe party that she and Cyrus were going to with their friends that night. Every year, the Illuminators Guild had an elaborate fireworks display, and it was one of the biggest parties of the year. Valerie had been on Earth for the past two shows, so she was excited to finally get a chance to witness it.

When she came back outside, her short hair still a little wet, she saw that Cyrus and her father had their heads bent together and were talking intently. When they saw her, they both straightened up.

"What's wrong?" she asked, the tension returning to her muscles.

Cyrus sighed dramatically. "Nothing bad. It's a surprise. Now come on!"

Valerie and Cyrus hurried toward The Horseshoe, where the view of the fireworks would be the best. Cyrus was grinning like a madman, and his good mood was contagious.

"Let me guess. You finally had enough hair on your upper lip to justify shaving," Valerie teased him.

"No one shaves on the Globe, little human," Cyrus said with mock offense. "The Glamour Guild is happy to give you whatever facial hair you would like. I assure you that, if I wanted to, I could have a full and manly beard. I probably will, once I find a woman worthy of it."

Valerie laughed again, the second time in one day. Some of her grief receded, and she let herself enjoy it. The Horseshoe was crammed with picnic blankets and Conjurors of all shapes and sizes. She spotted Kanti and Henry snuggled next to a family of bears.

"Break it up," Cyrus said sternly. "This is a family-friendly event."

Kanti threw a pastry at Cyrus without detaching her mouth from Henry's.

"Ah, young love," Jack said, joining the group with Dulcea.

Now that Jack was out of Zunya's clutches, he was happier than she'd ever seen him. He tried to hold Dulcea's hand, without success.

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