Chapter 5

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Valerie grinned at her reflection in the mirror the next day. Henry passed by at that moment and nudged her in the shoulder.

"It doesn't take a twin bond to know you had a good date," he said. Valerie flicked him with her towel.

"No mind probing when it comes to our love lives," she said, but her tone was light.

In the kitchen, Oberon was putting pastries on a plate on the table. Henry stiffened at the sight of him, but Valerie gave her brother a sharp nudge with her elbow and he nodded. Oberon's movements were jerky, and she examined him sharply.

"What's wrong, Dad?" she asked as he sat in the chair next to her.

"Azra has asked if you and Henry would join the Grand Masters today at the Capitol building. My first instinct was to say no. You've been attacked there twice," Oberon said.

"You have no right—" Henry started to say, but Oberon interrupted him.

"I know, Henry," Oberon said, sounding tired and a little sad. "Azra reminded me that the choice is yours, and she's right. I know that letting you be involved in this problem with the Fractus is what's best for the Globe. But I can't help wanting to shield you both from all of it."

"I'm sorry, Dad. We have to do this. We can't let innocent humans be hurt. We've got friends and family on Earth we have to protect," Valerie said as gently as she could.

Oberon sighed. "I suspected you would both want to help. You're so much like your mother."

Oberon's expression changed, his eyebrows rising imperiously and his tone stern. "However, from now on, if either of you enters a risky situation, I will escort you. That is not up for debate. Azra has agreed that I may join the meeting with the Grand Masters, as long as I only use my power to protect you if the situation arises."

Valerie did her best to hide her grin. Her father had a way of talking that made her think that he was used to getting his way.

"Sure, Dad. Now let's go see how we can help," she said.

Valerie stepped through the doors of the Capitol building with Henry and Oberon, knowing they were a powerful team. A spark of confidence and hope flickered inside her. What couldn't they accomplish as a family?

Azra was waiting for them, her silver horn glinting in the glowing lights of the hallway. She was always beautiful, but something in her appearance made Valerie catch her breath, unable to speak. Azra glowed with life, her white coat glossy and her iridescent mane making rainbows against the walls when the light hit it.

Thank you for coming. Azra's voice in Valerie's mind was soothing. The Grand Masters are growing restless. They are discussing the conflicting information coming from the Society of Imaginary Friends and Guardians of the Boundary about the Fractus's presence on Earth.

"They will not take my daughter's word on what she witnessed?" Oberon asked, anger lacing his words.

Azra flicked her tail. No. They believe that the Fractus kidnapped Darling, and Valerie and her team helped rescue him. Rastelli denies that there have been Fractus sightings on Earth, and Oleander corroborates this.

It rankled Valerie that Oleander was still walking around, when she should be in jail for her role in Midnight's death.

"What about Chern?" Henry asked, using Reaper's other name, the only one by which they had known him as the Grand Master of the History Guild.

He's been missing since Midnight died. I suspect he is directing the Fractus on Earth. His absence has aroused the suspicions of the Grand Masters, but they have not ordered his arrest.

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