Chapter 4

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Valerie debated skipping her required apprentice training at the Knights of Light after her encounter with Kellen, but she decided that she'd never learn more about his intentions if she kept her distance.

She immediately spotted the other apprentices gathering in the corner of the courtyard. As usual, Claremont gave Valerie a superior smirk. Valerie ignored her and walked to her friend, Juniper.

"The rumor is that Gideon's not allowed to show his face, even if officially he hasn't been expelled from the Guild," Juniper whispered to her. For the past few months, Gideon had been the apprentices' primary instructor.

Valerie nodded, deciding not to go into detail with so many people around who might overhear. "I wonder who will teach us instead."

They didn't have to wait long. Mira, a Knight who was loyal to Kellen, made his way to the group. Mira had the power to change his shape at will, and he had fooled Valerie more than once.

"Today, we'll start with sparring. Pair up," Mira said, shooting a suspicious glance at Valerie. She couldn't blame him. The last time they'd met, he'd fought against her under Kellen's orders to prevent Sanguina from escaping. Their fight had been brief but brutal, and she'd left him unconscious.

There was an odd number of people in the group, and Valerie was left without a partner to spar with.

Mira approached her. "You can pair with me. Placing you against any of the other apprentices wouldn't be fair to them."

"I don't have my blade," Valerie said, hedging.

"No weapons," Mira said. "We'll work on hand-to-hand combat."

For the next hour, Valerie got an incredible workout, both physical and magical. Mira constantly shifted his shape, shrinking to duck out of her holds and growing so that he could overpower her with sheer size. By the end of the lesson, Valerie was sweaty and drained, but she had to admit that she'd learned some new moves.

Mira nodded, satisfied. "You still have the potential to be a great Knight, as long as you don't let others lead you astray with false promises."

Valerie shook his hand and met his eye. "I'm sorry that we were on opposite sides the last time we fought. But if you knew me better, you'd know that I'm not one to be led around like a little lost girl. If you don't mind, I have a suggestion for you."

"Go ahead."

"Pay attention and see if you think Kellen is what he says he is. Keep an open mind and decide for yourself who to trust."

Valerie left the Guild, satisfied that maybe she'd made a tiny inroad into generating doubt about Kellen. It was good to be taking action again.

She hurried home to get ready for her first official date with Cyrus. They'd agreed to meet at the fountain in the center of The Horseshoe, so she'd have to hurry to get ready.

Valerie was surprised that she had some butterflies. She took care with her appearance for once, choosing one of the few dresses in her closet, and returned to The Horseshoe. She saw Cyrus already waiting for her. Night had fallen, but he always seemed to glow a tiny bit, as if the light from the stars couldn't help but be attracted to him.

He was holding a flower of light like the one he'd given her when she first came to the Globe, and he was dressed up. His face lit up when he saw her.

"You're always beautiful, but tonight..." Cyrus said, taking a step closer.

"Cyrus at a loss for words? I'll have to remember this moment," Valerie teased, trying to hide her blush of pleasure at his words.

Cyrus stepped closer and gently tucked the flower behind Valerie's ear. His fingers brushed her cheek and she shivered. This close, his eyes were warm and blue. His glance flicked to her lips, but he stepped back.

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