27. Burning Out

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Cassie went to her cellphone and listened to the messages.

"Cass, It's been a few days! Where are you? What are you up to? " From her mother.

"Cassie! You missed our lunch? What the heck!" From her sister.

"Cassie, No one's heard from you in like... a week, We know how it is sometimes but we're starting to get worried." From her mother.

"Cassie. If you don't call me right now, I will call the police." From her sister.

Cassie frantically checked the date and the date on her phone. Surprisingly the last call had been made the night before. "I thought I was gone for weeks?" Cassie wondered as she dialled her sisters number.

"Cassie?!" Her sister shrieked into the phone.

"Yeah It's me." Cassie laughed.

"You think this is a joke? We were worried about you!" Her sister screamed. Cassie was still laughing, she was too relieved to be back, to hear her sisters voice.

"I'll explain everything but I don't think you'll believe me." Cassie said softly.

"We'll decide that later. You need to call Mom. Now. She's very worried." Her sister said. "And I need to call the police and call off the man-hunt."

"Okay, Bye. I love you." Cassie said.

Her sister laughed into the phone. "I love you too Cass, but I also hate you for scaring me like this." They hung up the phone and Cassie dialled her mother.

The call went the same as with her sister, except Cassie and her mother cried for the whole conversation. Cassie agreed when her mother insisted to see her that night.

Cassie returned to Peros with a glass of water and a piece of toast with peanut butter. She wasn't sure what kind of pain he was experiencing but peanut butter toast seemed like a good option for him.

Peros writhed around in the bed, he was sweating into the sheets, his eyes watered with a milky substance. Cassie dabbed at his eyes and tried to push the toast towards his mouth.

Peros shook. "No" He whispered.

"What do I do? What do you need?" Cassie asked desperately. She offered him the water and he was able to drink it. She felt his skin, cold and damp. "Do you want to sit in a warm bath?" She offered. He shook his head.

"I don't know what to do, Peros." Cassie whimpered, She frantically smoothed his hair which had lost its weightless movement, now slicked to his pale skin with sweat.

"I can do this alone." Peros' weak voice croaked out.

Cassie laughed through the beginnings of tears. "No, we're a team." She insisted.

She sat with him as he writhed, sweat and cried. His body fluctuated between freezing and burning up. He didn't ask for anything but Cassie forced him to drink water ever few minutes, he could only manage a small sip at a time.

"We've already accomplished so much, it's over. It's almost over." Cassie cooed.

"That was all you before. I just tagged along" Peros said weakly.

"I couldn't have done it without you!" Cassie said. She was crying again.

The doorbell rang.

"That's my mom." Cassie exclaimed. "I have to take care of you."

"Go." Perks said, pushing away Cassie's concerned hands. The doorbell rang again and Cassie left reluctantly.

"Cassie!" Her mother stood on the front step, beautiful, warm, happy. She had the same eyes as Ignatia. Cassie collapsed into her mothers arms, how could she not recognize those eyes, she had forgotten her own mother.

"There there," Her mother said squeezing Cassie tightly. "What happened? Where have you been?"

"You won't believe me... and now..." Cassie stammered out. She felt like a baby, clutching at her mothers clothes and soaking her shoulder with tears.

"What's wrong?" Her mother asked.

Cassie managed to convey the message that her friend was sick. Her mother worked double time to get through and see Peros.

"It looks like he's in withdrawal... or something. Please don't tell me you've been on some kind of drug fuelled bender with this strange boy." Her mother sighed.

"No! Nothing like that, I just... You will not believe me and now I'm afraid he's going to die." Cassie said as she squeezed her mothers arm.

Her mother gave her a disbelieving look before going to examine Peros more closely. He was moving slowly now, his groans weaker than before, definitely losing energy.

"Come on, lets get him into a cool bath." Cassie's mother said rolling up her sleeves.

"Cool? but he keeps going between being cold and hot?" Cassie wrung her hands.

"I can see you care for this boy, don't worry I'll do my best." Her mother gave her a firm look and felt Peros' forehead. "Go run the bath - make sure the water is lukewarm.

Cassie scampered to the tub and ran the water. Her mind so full of panic she became dazed looking into the stream form the faucet. "Come! Help me take him to the bath!" Cassie's mother called.

Cassie spent the afternoon following orders from her mother as they worked to bring the fever down in the lukewarm water. Cassie made at least four teapots full of tea for Peros to drink, her mother drank the tea too but Cassie couldn't bring herself to relax. She sat on the edge of the tub and stared at Peros. His eyes sometimes fluttered open but the milky liquid seeping from his eyes hadn't stopped.

"What is this." Her mother pondered as she wiped Peros' face. "What is going on here."

Cassie whimpered and clutched her knees with every movement of Peros' body. He didn't seem to be getting any better but her mother was relaxing.

"Will he be okay?" Cassie asked.

"I think so. Go put clean sheets on the bed and we'll tuck him in for the night." Her mother said softly. "Oh dear, don't worry." She patted Cassie's hand.

"Mom, I owe him my life and now he's going to die... because of me" Cassie whispered. Her mother's eyebrows raised but she didn't say anything. Cassie hurried out to follow her mothers orders.

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