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The entire day  Garlan had been silent To Elonar. Nor had he really looked directly at her, but had keep her hand attached to him for most of the day. Fearing that if he looked at her straight on, the tears would start flowing again. El too hadn't really tried to speak with him knowing he need silence. He'd obviously had to speak during the ceremony and throughout the day to pretty much everyone but Elonar. The feast that night was no different as Garlan stayed silent. On their table sat Caswell and Mayres. Ser Arys and his wife Catheryn, Lord Redwyne, Willas and some blonde whips of a girl  who turned about to be Robert Chesters daughter,  Larisse, who seemed infatuated with him. Then Axel and Ser Francas sat the left and right of El and Garlan. El engaged in small talk with everyone but Garlan who sat solemnly sipping his wine. Even Willas had noticed Garlan's silence and made a face to El as if to question Garlan's behaviour. She only shrugged in response looking up at Garlan who was intently listening to Caswell tell some long whined joke, that he still hadn't reached the punch line of.

Between the rather obvious tension between, Axel, Mayres and Caswell and Garlan's silence the table was so awkward at times that El wanted to run and leave it all behind. Thankfully Caswell was intent of sharing all of his best jokes for hours in end. While  most of time Elonar wanted nothing more than to smash his snivelling face into the dirt, she was grateful for the distraction his petty humour brought to the table.

Abruptly Garlan placed his hand on her thigh, continuing to pay his full attention to lord Caswell across the table. El could do nothing but keep following the discussion as his hand had made its way further and further up her thighs. His fingertips had managed to get under her dress and pull it up. Someone had to be noticing what he was doing, surely someone could tell that he was doing this to her. In a room full of people all paying attention to him. Surely Axel, who was right beside her could see what Garlan was doing.

She had to stifle a gasp as he touch her unexpectedly. He was just so calm, this was effortless for him. Garlan was consciously touching her in such a way that she wouldn't be able to control for much longer, and keeping quiet would be totally out of the question. His touch brought her wetness against his fingers. Still not even a smirk crossed his lips. His face was solemn as he listened intently to Caswell.

She knew she had to stop him, just move his hand but she couldn't bring herself to do it. There was something awfully arousing about letting him do this to her in a room full of people who were utterly oblivious to what was going on below the table. But still she did stop him, and entwined their fingers stopping his hands path.

"I'll cut those damned fingers off, if they touch me again." She whispered as she gently pressing a fluttering kiss to his cheek.

"I'll remind you of that remark later, when I'll have you begging for me." He smirked, bringing his hand away from hers and placing it gently in the table top.

"Lady Stark-" Caswell smiled breaking the tension between El and Garlan.

"Lord Caswell.." el mimicked his tone smirking.

"I spoke with Garlan earlier about me accompanying you to the north tomorrow..." Lorent began.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, El looked from Caswell to Garlan quickly. "You are joking right?"

"No, no my lady, deadly serious. See my wife is accompanying you to Winterfell and you see, I cannot bare to be apart from my darling Mayres." Caswell turned beaming to Mayres. Who's expression was as it always was, a cold mask that was near enough impossible although El could give it a good go.

Through Axel's body language he clearly was opposed to Caswell coming and El was only a little annoyed. Caswell grinned in amusement watching the panicked looked exchanged between, El, Axel and Mayres. "And why do see yourself entitled to come with us?" She sighed, with a look of utter disgust painted across her face.

The Wolf and the Rose / Sequel to The Queen in the NorthWhere stories live. Discover now