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When Garlan returned from their hunt that evening, he too had heard about what had happened with Axel and the ladies the night of the tourney. Although Garlan had heard the story from a fuming Lorent Caswell and a rather angry Robert Chester and Arys Oakheart who found the situation extremely funny.

"- he even called his wife a whore and defended Axel by saying something along the lines of 'stop whining out of jealousy because Lord Umber has managed to talk not one but three women into bed at the same time.' and 'You all must have tiny cocks if they are this angry about it..' " Garlan laughed.

"At first I didn't believe Axel when he told me."  El began, "but then he detailed the event and I felt I had to believe him then."

Garlan sat the big armchair by the fire, looking exhausted but also extremely handsome. His hair loose to his shoulders, shirt open enough the bare most of chest. His beard had finally regrown to a decent length, in El's opinion anyway. El crossed the room and stood behind him, placing her hands on his broad shoulders and dug her thumbs into the stiff muscles.

"Go lie down and I'll do it properly." She whispered, and he did as she said. El went to the a small box in her trunk where there was a small vile of lavender oil and then returned to Garlan who was lying face down on the bed with his shirt discarded on the floor. She carefully positioned herself on the small of his back, bearing all of her weight onto her thighs. She placed a small kiss on the nape of his neck before opening the vile of oil and rubbing that all over his back.

Garlan Tyrell truly was a masterpiece created by the gods, or perhaps was one himself. Admiring him at some angles it would be easy to believe he was a god. The wide set shoulder blades that were contoured with layers of firm muscled flesh. As her hands moved to his lower back, his arms raised and muscles contracted as he reached for the headboard of the bed.   She could have just touched him for hours, running her fingers along his bare skin was almost magical. His thighs were also undoubtably made by the gods, toned with muscle and covered in thin layer of dark hair. Thighs that looked best sprawled across messy bed sheets or straddling a horse- or better spread around her body. His body truly was a spectacle of the gods work, and his mind too. She didn't deserve him, nor even would be worthy of man such as him.

"What are we going to do?" He sighed bringing her out of her thoughts, as she spread the oil all over his skin.

"About?" El replied rubbing the stuff down his sides and to the small of his back.

"Daenerys.." He said as he released a small moan as her palms pushed deeper into him.  

She made a quiet "shhh" sound close to his ear and resumed rubbing oil deep into his aching muscles. She concentrated mainly on his muscles on his shoulders as they were the tightest and she worked them until they'd smoothed out.

"How was the hunt?" El asked after a few minutes of silence when she feared Garlan might fall asleep on her, before she could propose Axel and her scheme. Which in her mind was growing more viable each time she thought of it.

"Exhausting." He whined, "in his anger Caswell managed to shoot two wood pigeons."

El sniggered, "and you?"

"Just a medium sized doe." He shrugged.

"Impressive." El said cheerfully.

"And you my love, what did you do today?" He said turning his head a little.

"I spoke with Dacey, Robert and Axel in the morning and persuaded them that we must delay our journey home by a few days more, giving what's happened. Then I spoke with Axel for sometime about a great many things- mainly his sexual antics." She laughed, "but more seriously what is to happen when we return south after fixing the mess in the north."

The Wolf and the Rose / Sequel to The Queen in the NorthUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum