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xesgnx is currently writing a really cool little fanfiction that you should check out.

Also my main Direstarks ' fanfiction is really worth a read and id highly recommend it to any of you.

El watched as Garlan could do nothing but dodge Ser Robert's slashing. One cut would be all it would take it kill him, but one cut was easier said than done. The man was enormous brute of a man and there was absolutely no exaggeration in that. Garlan was considerably taller than the average man and well built. But Ser Robert was unnaturally huge, with legs the size of full grown tree trunks and standing eight foot tall. No real man was that large, it simply wasn't possible. What was under that helm? Did he even have a head under there? Garlan wondered as he once again slide aside from one of Ser Roberts lethal blows. He was doomed god damn it. "Garlan the gallant" they'd once called him, not after today they wouldn't. Not if he was dead, and he'd be dead within the hour most probably.

He could do nothing but try however doomed he was. Garlan was El's last chance and if he was die, but to cut Ser Robert as he was to fall... they'd find the poison on his sword for certain, and they'd have even more reason to kill El. He thought dodging another of Ser Roberts blows.

The sun hung still high in the sky burning down on the exposed courtyard, the two men had been fighting for nearly thirty minutes and Garlan was beginning to tire. Light as his armour was, it still felt as though it weighed tons pressing against the his sweat soaked tunic that clung to his heaving chest. Garlan's Dodges were becoming slumped and his slashes sloppier. He swung his sword hard as he could, slashing against Ser Roberts huge thigh. The man only wore a breast plate, surely some of Garlan's slashes had to do something to this man.. If he even was a man..

El's hands were shaking, and her fingernails dug into her own palms. "My lady" Willas whispered, approaching her from behind, "I'm afraid you need to leave now"

"Leave? I couldn't possibly.." She protested no taking her eyes off Garlan.

"Elonar, it's about to get very ugly in a matter of minutes, and if you want you and Garlan to live. I suggest that you discretely follow Me and Ill escort you to safety" Willas said calmly.

"And where exactly is safety Willas?" El questioned, and just as she turned her head to Willas, Ser Roberts broad sword collided with Garlan's helm and knocked him flying back, falling to the stone floor.

Willas bit his lip seeing Garlan and grabbed El's arm "A ship in the blackwater, seriously El we have about five minutes.." Willas hissed.

El turned back to Garlan and gasped as she saw him scrambling to his feet, and reaching for his sword as Roberts sword came down. Willas grabbed her then and half dragged half carried her back through the tent, Down a steep path down the cliff. Until there were by a small pier, and there was in fact a ship just off shore and a small fleet of small row boats with ten men in each docked.

"Willas I'm not leaving him. I won't." El snarled shaking off Willas' arm, "and this is your plan? Seize Kingslanding?"

"No just to get Garlan, for gods sake El your wasting time.." someone sighed from behind her, El whirled round to see Axel coming towards her quickly with the men from the row boats following. "Willas make sure she gets on the bloody boat, I've got Garlan" and with Axel's word El was quickly escorted onto a boat with Willas and a few men who were left behind, clearly to ensure El boarded this 'bloody boat'.

El was pretty confused actually and was contemplating how all this could have actually been planned when Willas interrupted her thoughts, "how are you handling this all Princess?" He smirked.

The Wolf and the Rose / Sequel to The Queen in the Northحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن