Gregor Clegane/Sandor Clegane X Reader - The Mountain and The Hound (Requested)

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As you were putting the final forkful of food into your mouth, the door was flung open, clattering against the wall loudly. You to jumped in your seat, and both you and Lord Clegane quickly turned to glare at the intruder. But your face softened, a smile coming to your lips as you recognised the older Clegane brother, who came storming over to the table, causing a smile to rise on the old man's face. "My boy, you're here," he uttered, reaching out his hand in greeting, only to receive a glare from his son.

"Your letter said that my father was dead," he growled at you and confusion over came you as you watched his face turn from confusion to anger.

"I haven't written to you or Sandor in well over a month, Gregor. And as you can see, your father is perfectly fine," you started, watching as his face softened slightly at your gentle way of speaking.

"I wrote to you, Gregor. It is your role to run this place when I'm gone, not this girl," he hissed. "She is nothing to do with this family, she doesn't belong here, and if I had it my way, she never would have come to start with. She made you all soft," he added as if you weren't even in the room. 

Gregor slammed his fists down on the table, toppling the plates and jugs that sat in the centre and causing you to jump out of your skin. "Y/N is as much a part of this family as you are. She always has been," he growled at his father, his face reddening as his breathing picked up speed.

"Gregor," you uttered softly, placing your hand gently on his tensed arm. "It's okay," you added and you felt him relax under your touch.

"He shouldn't talk about you that way. It's not right," he growled, still glaring in his father's direction, until you pulled on the arm you were holding, making him turn to face you.

"It's okay," you repeated, watching as he looked over your face for any signs of a lie. "Believe me, I've known of your Father's hatred for quite some time. It no longer bothers me," you finished with a small chuckle and his face softened.

"You should come to King's Landing with me," he blurted out, leaving you in an awkward silence as you gaped at him.

"You must be joking, I can't leave," you sighed as you stood up, still having to crane your neck to look into his face. "What would your father do on his own?" you asked him.

"Fuck the old man. He can look after himself," he told you, a smile growing on his lips. "You would love the Capital," he added and all hopes of persuading yourself to stay disappeared as he bent down and his lips met yours passionately leaving you to sink into his arms.

You pulled away from him when you heard someone clear their throat, turning to see Sandor standing in the door way, his face stoney and his eyes fixed on the two of you.

"Sandor," you cried as you recognised the man standing before you. "I didn't know you were here," you added as you moved to greet him, only for him to take a step away, watching his brother over your shoulder. You quickly turned to look at Gregor who was glaring at his younger brother, leaving your stomach in knots. "If you two are going to spend the rest of your lives behaving like children, I doubt there is any reason in me coming to King's Landing," you huffed, walking from the room, and barging past Sandor on your way out.

*Time Skip*

You weren't alone for long before a knock came on your chamber doors. You opened them to find the two brothers looking ashamed at themselves and your face softened from it's previously angry appearance. "What do you want?" you asked them, still blocking them from entering your chambers.

"I want to apologise," Sandor spoke in his gruff voice and your eyes focused in on him. "I was rude and I'm sorry," he added and you nodded in response, before looking over at the older brother.

"And I'm sorry for attempting to control how you greet Sandor," Gregor huffed. "We've known for a while that we both care about you, Y/N,  and I was worried that you cared about him too," he told you, watching as your brows pulled together.

"There is only one Clegane that I want to be with," you uttered, reaching forward to take Gregor's large hand in your smaller one. "I'm sorry if that makes this uncomfortable for you, Sandor."

Sandor was nodding when Gregor caught your attention, getting to his knees, still almost as tall as you were standing. "Marry me," he started and your eyes went wide as you looked back up, noticing how Sandor's head was bent, staring at the ground. He didn't seem to be angry, more saddened by the act of affection taking place in front of him.

"Gregor," you warned, turning back to him and taking his face in your hands. "I love you, but-" you were about to tell him how unfair he was being, when Sandor interrupted.

"Say yes, Y/N/," Sandor started, finally glancing back up at you. "You love him and he loves you, so marry him," he added, his face holding a small smile and you nodded before turning back to Gregor.

"Yes, I'll marry you," you told him and a giant smile came onto his face as he pulled you close by your waist, putting you slightly off balance but holding you up whilst his brother quickly left the room.

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