Things get worst

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???: you were so good!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic: thanks....ummm is Rosy Rascal here?

???: oh yes she is feel sorry for the poor girl she doesn't seem crazy anymore but that's my opinion

Sonic: can I see her

???: well visiting hours are closed..... but if you sign my book I will give you a doctor card so you can go in

Sonic: really........

???: and a kiss

I knew this couldn't be that easy. I sigh and signed her book and kissed her. she blush like crazy and gave me the card

Sonic: thanks

and I walked to the cell she was in... the cell was all white. I opened the door and she was standing in the corner

Rosy: let me guess white rice or white potato or maybe white beans.........

Sonic: actually some question

She turned around and almost gasped.

Rosy: your not dress up in white are you here to kill me! please I regret killing them im sorry!

she fell to her knees and cries.

Sonic: im here for some answers

she looked up and moved to the wall

Rosy: so your not here to kill me

Sonic: does it look like im a killer

Rosy: anyone can not look like a killer but deep inside them they are

Sonic: im here for question ok

She looked at me confuse but nodded

Sonic: was there a guy who followed Melphies and Scourge

she looked at me for a long time then looked away

Rosy: yea some musician he tried to split them apart tried to make them go against each other. I simply took care of it guess he didn't listen to my warning

Is this guy going to try to split me and Shadow up

Rosy: why?

Sonic: I decided to go to my boyfriend Shadow show and he caught me

my dumb self decided to tell her

  Rosy: oh so your gay who knew.

she got up and slowly walks toward me.

Rosy: congrats...Shadow.....I miss that guy

Sonic: you know him?

Rosy: duh we were close friends we did everything together with Melphies and Scourge. I'm surprise he's dating you he didn't want to date anyone after what happen to his best friends

Sonic: figures

Rosy: you better be careful not by the musician but the girl you perform with

my eyes widen

Sonic: how you know?!

Rosy: it was on TV you are really good..

Sonic: oh god..........

Rosy: she really likes you and wouldn't want that to go away she may do what I did

I tighten my fist

Rosy: stab him couples of time let the blood run down her hands

I ran out the room and slammed it shut. why did I go here in the first place!

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