36 ● Madness Dwells In A Metal Box ●

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Over 14K reads and over 1K votes?! Oh my god! Thank you so much for all of you who have been reading this and have reached this far in the story! Words cannot describe how happy I am!

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I did while writing it!

Third person's pov.

A pair of dark amber eyes watched keenly at a green liquid that she was carefully swirling around in a small glass vial. Her slender eyebrows knitted together when she spotted some sediment appearing to the liquid. Not a good sign. The pen in her hand moved across the pages of her old notebook, writing down the chemical reaction currently happening.

She stood quietly in her study... or labratory if you may. There were several pots, containers and vials with differently colored substances, accompanied with herbs and plants of different kind on the shelves and tables of the room.

The wooden tables had long ago seen their better days as they were covered with holes, scorch marks and stains. The walls looked the same.

A frustrated sigh broke the silence in the room. Failure. Again.

The woman threw the vial into a metal box in frustration, earning noises of shattering glass and miniature explosion. Smoke rose from the box, quickly filling the room and the woman slammed a large window open as she walked towards the door with a huff.

When she opened the brand new wooden door with a slam, smoke escaped the confines of her room.

"I need more vials!" She exclaimed loudly, startling few coworkers of hers.

"Please refrain from handling that door so harshly. We just recently changed it into a new one." A steady voice said from the other side of the room. The woman looked at the black haired man with glasses and snorted.

The man's facial expression didn't change even slightly at the woman's vocalization, because it was somehting that always came out of her mouth the first thing she saw him.

"It's not my fault that a small explosion destroyed it. Now, where are the vials, I really need them. My last one got shattered just now."

The man watched as green smoke travelled above the woman's head, already quessing how the vial had met its doom. "It wouldn't be your fault if you hadn't thrown that new bomb of yours to that door."

"Goro. The vials?"

"In the storage room where all breakable is, Chisei, accompanied with a sign that says you are forbidden to enter the room, as usual." Chisei rolled her eyes in frustration. It wasn't her fault breakable things were so... breakable.

"So could you?" She asked, motioning her hand towards the storage as she dragged out her words.

The man, Goro, sighed and disappeared into the room, opening windows on his way and letting the smoke go somewhere else than his and other's lungs. Who knew if that thing was poisonous or not?

Once Goro returned and placed a box full of small vials to Chisei's arms, he opened his mouth once again. "Now, remember these vials aren't expendable. They can be used more than once."

Chisei huffed at him and turned to her room with the box. "Like I don't know that."

"I question it daily, but I never seem to get the answer that I like." Goro muttered, following the sandy blond haired woman into her... room of destruction.

"What are you muttering about?" Chisei asked when she placed the box down to her table with a jingle, making the man wince at the sound and hoping that nothing broke again.

The Descendant of Akata (Naruto fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora