38 ● Heart Attacks ●

978 51 13

Third person's pov.

A deer branched in the woods calmly, but alert at all times. It's ears moved ever so slightly, listening to any disturbances and predators that may lurk near. It sniffed the air, before setting it's head down and happily eating the green grass.

The deer had failed to notice a small figured man on a tree nearby, but this man hadn't given the deer a single thought as he was concentrating on a completely different matter.

"Still nothing, Miri." It's been four days since Lumi had been taken and he had nothing more than few foot prints and a string of white hair. That's all.

And he was a tracking ninja for gods sake!

A butterfly fluttered close to him and he automatically raised his hand and touched it with the tip of his finger gently. With a small "pop" kind of motion, the blue butterfly turned into a blue winged pixie with white skin.

"Search." Yami simply said. The pixie scattered away to its mission, the command already existing inside her head without Yami saying it out loud. A shortcut of this ability Yami had learned to use during his life.

Yami glanced at the horizon, the sun was rising. Another day was beginning. Yami looked at the warmly glowing globe with emotionless eyes. Another day of torture for Lumi, most likely.

Yami felt a shiver run up his body at the thought. The thirteen year old girl was most definitely going through something horrible and he was incapable of finding her.

He sighed deeply, his breath showing in the air. The nights were becoming chilly.

Yami got up from his branch, startling the deer away immediately, but he didn't care. He couldn't feel anyone around the area, so he wasn't in danger of being found.

"Let's continue, Miri." Yami said and bent his knees, readying himself for the leap, but he was stopped when Miri suddenly flew in front of his face. Yami frowned, but saw the pixie pointing to the direction behind him.

Yami turned and watched as the black knight butterfly he had turned into a pixie, flew towards him quickly.

A spark of hope grew in him because of this. Maybe she had found something.

Once the pixie was a mere feet away from his face he knew they had finally found something way better than a mere string of hair.

"Show me the way." He said hurriedly and the pixie followed the command immediately.

They ran for twenty minutes until they came to a halt. The pixie pointed to the foot of a small hill. Yami didn't carelessly go to take a look at the place. Instead, he concentrated to the nature energy in and around him. Quickly, he let out a spurt of energy from within and then shut it. He didn't have too big reserves of nature energy in him and he didn't want to waste more than was needed to. Even though the amount of the energy around him was limitless, his body couldn't process the energy fast enough for too big tricks.

Thankfully, the amount he had just released had been enough to tell him everything he needed to know... and it made him smirk.



Lumi's pov.

I sit on the floor counting the ryõ I have, hoping it was enough for food. 5... that's not enough for anything!! I could only get a scrumb of a bread with this amount! How is a person going to live with such amount of food?!

I hear someone calling my name and I turn to look at the person with teary eyes. I'm so hungry!

My tears disappear the moment I see the person behind me. Oh my god... could it be?!

The Descendant of Akata (Naruto fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin