21 ● Fight ●

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Lumi on the picture with her casual attire on. Found a picture from the Internet and modeled it be Lumi. Respects to the original picture's owner.

I'm unsure of my writing skills on fighting sce

Third person's pov.

There was a silence that only the noise of the crackling fire broke. The team from Suna had been resting for few hours now after they had a small get together with a giant tiger.

They survived only with slight scrapes, but the encounter had consumed some chakra, but now their chakra reserves were full once again.

The genin with blue shirt reached for the meat they had been cooking on the fire, when a new sound interrupted their piece of silence.

*BAM!!* The Sand nins turned to look to the edge of the forest, that now had a crater on it and a destroyed tree, their weapons ready.

"Seems like some small fry tried to ambush us. Too bad for them, for getting exploded." The boy in blue shirt said.

"Don't be so sure, Kiruto. I can feel slight presence, but it's one of an animal's. I've been cautious for this whole time and didn't sense any humans before the explosion." The boy dressed in dark clothes said quietly.

"Does that mean an animal activated our trap?" The only girl of the team asked. The dark boy was about to answer, but was interrupted by another voice.

"I wish! Stupid of me to almost get exploded." There stood a young girl, dressed in black and red clothes with green shorts, soot was on her face and hair that now looked a bit disheveled. There was also a white bear that also had soot on its fur.

"Your the one from Konoha who took part in the exams with a bear. Too bad for you to stumble upon our resting place." The boy with bandages said, tightening his grib on his weapons, preparing to attack.

"What scroll do you have?" The bold question made the Sand nins freeze for a second until the more vocal boy yelled.

"How stupid you think we are to answer your question?! What for do you even need to ask something like that?!"

Lumi watched the boy for a second before sighing. "I just don't feel like fighting for nothing when I could end up finding the same scroll I already have... which is earth scroll by the way."

The Sand nins watched her and each other for a moment before acting. The boy who had yelled threw kunais at the girl, making her dodge them easily with Luca by her side and a smirk could be found on her lips.

"I take that as an answer for my question... You have the heaven scroll." With those words, Lumi charged. Being thanful her energy reserves had already returned to normal. Her body healing wasn't the only fast thing in her.

She ran to the noisy boy, her kunai ready. Their kunais met with a resounding clang. Both tried to gain the upper hand in the fight, but with no results. Kicks, punches and clashes were exchanged at rapid speed.

Luca attacked the girl, but before he could get into a touching range, a strange black cloaked thing came in front of him and hit him to his side, making Luca fly few meters away.

Once Luca had gained his composure, he observed the thing that had hit him. Its head was covered with a hood, you could see nothing of him expect the weird arms. They were a bunch of wooden blocks pieced together, made to resemble the arms of an human. It was a puppet!

Lumi saw all this from the corner of her eye and started to worry. She didn't know what the puppet had in it and what it was capable of.

"Your pet is screwed, you know. Kazu's puppet is a monster." The boy said as he kicked Lumi in her arm.

The Descendant of Akata (Naruto fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora