Chapter Thirteen- Hell?

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Chapter Thirteen- Hell?

Cecilia's POV

Waking up while feeling like my head is going to explode in one of the hottest places I have ever been.. Speaking of which where the hell am I?

The last thing I remember was falling asleep and feeling kind of different, I can tell why my body was fighting with me the these last days that have past. It didn't want me to end up here where ever here is.

Trying to feel my way around things is next to impossible everything I touch burns me and I can feel blisters forming on my hands which is not to pleasant.

I admit that I am more then a little freaked out but from what has been happening these days I try and keep my poker face on the best I can. I just hope it is enough to protect me even a little.

Hearing stomping foot steps make there way towards me made me quickly put up the best poker face I can before whoever is out there comes.

Also hearing the tune they were whistling made a shiver run down my spine. It's like they were whistling the forbidden tune. One that has been outlawed for years.

From the sounds of the tune I can tell why it has been outlawed and band from anyone so much as breathing it under there breath.

A bang on the front of what I presume is my cell door almost made me jump straight out of my skin even though I tried my hardest not too. I am pretty sure that it failed.

"I don't see what the Lord of Darkness thinks  is so special about you. From what I can tell your nothing....but come  he doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Before I noticed what was happening. What I presume was some kind of mutant grabbed me by the arm and starting dragging me..

Somewhere that was getting more hot with every step that I was forced to take, I can here people screaming out for help being for the pain to stop.

I can also sense people wishing they were a live with no soul then to spend another minute here. 

Before I new what was happening I was getting thrown roughly into a chair that I am happy to say isn't hot even though i know that it could be put on fire in less then a second. Still I couldn't help but count my blessings for now.

"LEAVE US!" A loud voice demanded and I could feel my soul hide in my body which made my insides shake. I don't think I am going to like this meeting very much. To top it all off I don't know what I did to deserve to be put in a place like this.

"YOU ARE'NT WHAT I EXPECTED DAUGHTER OF SHADOWS" what does he mean? I don't think my hearing is failing me but he must be mistaken. From how loud his voice is also I won't be surprised if he hasn't gone deaf. I'm sure I'm going to.

I don't even get why I am here in this place many calm is Hell. I suppose some don't deserve to be here and I hope that I won't be here for very long because I know that I haven't died.

"With all do respect I don't know what your talking about. I think your mistaken." I spoke once I could find my voice.

"HMM DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?" He spoke in his usual loud voice.

I was about to speak my mind but lucky most of the time I know not to " yes I know where I am." I spoke and I am happy to announce I didn't stutter once.

"AHH EVEN THOUGH YOUR BLIND YOU STILL KNOW WHERE YOU ARE HOW STRANGE." What does he mean by that? It wasn't hard to figure out. Especially when his mutant friend said what he did.

"It's not strange, it was easy to figure out, you would think that with you being the King of the under world that you would make it a bit harder to figure out were you are because after all this is suppose to be hell." I spoke out of no where. I feel this weird power inside me. Like something Foran was trying to make its way through my body.

It feels like a warm sensation, like when your wrapped in warm blankets and about to drift off to sleep.

To my shock laughter filled my ears, a dark sinister laugh, one that makes your goose bumps stand up and feel like they are about to run away.

"NOW I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT, THOUGH IF YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN I WILL GET YOU SENT TO THE TOUCHER ROOM!" He spoke almost blowing me off the chair from the force of his voice.

I tried my hardest not to bow my head at him but I know that my power isn't quite strong enough to stop him from using his power to force me to show him respect and that I understand.

"No matter what I will not stop myself from trying not to bow  my head to you. For one must earn respect." I spoke once I lost the battle. 

Dishes being thrown off the table made me jump in my seat from the shock of the unexpected sound.

"THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING GIRL! GAURDS REMOVE HER FROM MY SIGHT." He yelled by the time I he finished speaking I was being dragged away with the creatures digging there claws into my skin.

Once they threw me back inside my cell, I heard a noise in the cell next to me which makes be believe that I am not alone.

"Who's there?" I asked while trying not to move my arms the wrong way because they are sore.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you love, I haven't spoken to anyone in many many years and I was afraid I was hearing things." A mans voice spoke. A very tired man with hardly any voice.

"That's ok, it's hard not to be jumping when your in a place like this. What is your name Sir?" I spoke in a polite voice.

"My name is Benson..Benson Cooker" He spoke. "What about yours?"

I wonder if there is some kind of connection between him and my new friend?


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