Chapter Ten- Forbidden

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Chapter Ten - Forbidden

Cecilia's POV

Never once have I had this many emotions running through my body, I didn't know wether I was coming or going.

It's like ice and fire are fighting to break free with a million other emotions. It's been like this for the last couple of days since Moe dropped me off.

I could tell he was worried about me but I couldn't say anything to ease his worry because I don't know what's happening.

With the lack of sleep from the last few days has left me in a bad mood that basically everyone in the orphanage has been keeping away.

Walking around the whole orphanage even in the rooms that no one is suppose to enter, I knew I have to find the darkness before its to late. I can't let innocent people die if I can do something to stop it.

"Cecilia it's dinner time honey, and you need to eat something because you have lost more weight then you managed to put on." Lucy called out from the kitchen.

Making me think how much I have grown since I had to leave the place that I called home my whole life. When I left I didn't know the dangers that were in the world.

Dark dangers, ones that can take people's souls. With that thought I remember the scar the scar that I have almost forgotten about or choose to forget about for many years.

Feeling for my chair before sitting down, I slowly took my first bite of food and I noticed that it was pasta tonight.

"So Cecilia I have noticed that you have been going into rooms that are forbidden" Lucy said and I could notice the resentment in her voice.

Why would she be so angry, I came back here to help her and I know there is something commanding behind those closed doors..

I thought Lucy might not know what's going on here but I think she knows more then she is letting on.

"I'm sorry Miss Lucy I didn't mean any harm by it." I better not let her know that I am on to her...maybe

"No that's fine dear I just wouldn't want anything to happen to you." She replied before I heard her get up from her chair.

It seems that this convocation is over. Relaxing I finished off my dinner while talking to other girls.

I could feel the tension in the room though so slowly getting up from the table and feeling my way around tell I found the machine that plays music.

Turning it on I turned around and began to move my feet and snap my stick on the floor to make a beat.

I must look pretty silly because all the girls started laughing and clapping there hands. I could hear a couple getting up to join me until the floor was full from all of us trying to dance in the small space provided.

Lisa one of the girls grabbed me by the hands and twirled me around. It was magical feeling the breeze against my face.

Giggling and smiling while trying not to trip over my own feet, we spun around until the song was over then we clasped on the floor in giggles.

"Would you girls like to go for a short walk through the garden before bedtime, maybe use can look at the stars." I asked while sitting up.

"YES" the girls all but screamed while racing for the door. While I slowly started to follow behind.

It's a nice night tonight not to hot not to cold, and I could tell by the girls quiet talking that they were enjoying I too.

"Cecilia would you like me to describe  the night sky to you?" Makaylia asked I couldn't help but nod my head like a little kid. I was that excited. It has been a long while since someone has offered me.

"The moon is full tonight and it's blue, it's shinning so brightly that it lights up the whole garden." She took a small pause before continuing. "The stairs are like little fireflies that have been stuck up there by the dark blue sky."

Imagining what Makaylia said I couldn't help but think this night really is beautiful despite everything.

"Girls bedtime you have to be up bright and early for your chores." Miss Lucy called out making us slowly walk back into the house.

"Cecilia why did Miss Lucy seem so mad at you?" Makylia asked while holding my hand as we walked to the room for sleep that night.

Thinking before I answered so that I don't word it wrong.

"She's mad because I done something that's against the bourse rules" I said as I gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Why did you break the rules?" She asked. I forgot that little kids ask so many questions. Shaking my head I was about to answer but all of a sudden my hand went cold from where Makylia was holding... It feels like I am standing out in storm in winter.

"Who's there? I know someone is" I shouted as I feel a presence moving around me. I cold presence.

All I got in response was a sheik of laughter that went straight through me and left my insides slushing around like a washing machine.

Then next second I felt a grip on my wrist a vice grip that made my skin burn right down to the muscle.

"He knows who you are now and his not to pleased" a shrilled voice shrieked before laughing and knocking me over, which lead me to believe that it flow away.

"Ce! Are you ok? I don't know what happened? One second you were here and then the next second you were gone!" Babbled Makaylia while crying.

Before I knew what was happening I was knocked back on my back with arms wrapped around me in a vice grip.

Feeling tired we laid like that for a bit while I cuddled her until she stopped crying. I didn't know what to say to Makaylia because I couldn't explain what happened to myself let along a child.

"It's ok Makaylia, don't cry it's all going to be ok, let's go and try to get some sleep" I said while we both got up and walked the rest of the way to the beds that awaited us. That's if there is any left that is.

I must admit I miss my bed and my home that I have worked so hard for, but I must try and fix things here, otherwise all might be lost.

Someone shacking my shoulder woke me up and I couldn't help but feel like the person that the person didn't want me here but then I realised I was in a bed.

Feeling around I realised that it was my bed, how did I get here? Why am I back home and where is Makaylia?

"Cecilia you are no longer welcome at the orphanage and I don't want you to come back."

I know this chapter is short but I wanted to get something up, because I had the itch to write haha

If you have the time please leave feedback and let me know what your thinking. Plus voting if you like it. Thanks
Xx Kaymaii

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