Chapter eight- It's back

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Chapter eight- It's back

Cecilia's POV

I am to have lunch with Nixon today, ever since yesterday his been different.

His still angry and blunt but not as much, he has his moments where his actually really sweet.

Nixon has also gave me a lighter work load every couple of hours I have to have a break.

He says its because of doctors orders but I'm not to sure about that.

"Cecilia you have been really quiet what is the matter?" Nixon's voice reached my ears.

"Just thinking, your a worry wart." Why on earth did I say that?!

Oh well I can't take it back plus today is a really hard day for me I know what to expect to night.

"Last time I checked I am a demon so that would make me a worry demon not a wart." Someone doesn't seem to get a joke.

I have a challenge to complete before this year is out. That is to make him understand a joke.

"I guess that is correct, but you Mr Raynerson,does not understand a joke when he hears one." I replied with a smile.

"Well Miss Cecilia since we have a challenge going, I am going to get you to learn to ride before the year is out." Did he read my thoughts? I don't think so  I must have just spoken out loud.

Before I could speak, Mrs cooker was putting the food in front of us and I miss say it smells heavenly.

I don't think I have ever smelt something like this in all my life.

I must have sat there and smelt my food for to long because Nixon began to speck again.

"We are having a roast lunch today. It's Mrs Cookers personal best; and I think that she would rather you eat it instead of getting full from the smell." Nixon said in a kind of blunt way.

I guess I must have upset him, but I have never really been taught how to fine din.

"Please forgive me, I never meant to be rude in anyway" I said politely.

So not to upset him more I took my first bit and I couldn't believe how wonderful it tastes.

I'm not going to be sure if I can fit dinner in tonight as I am to din with Marlene and Fred.

I haven't seen them in awhile. I sure do miss them. They are one of the only people I know in this town.

"So tell me about yourself." I told Nixon not giving him the chance to refuse. He knows more about me then I would like to admit.

"Well, I have lived here for the better part of my life, my job is countless things that I am sure you would find rather boring. I have a range of animals at my farm house that I stay at for a couple of months a year."

Smiling at him, I actually find him rather interesting.

"Tell me about your farm please?" I loved the idea of farm life. Just the peacefulness I find rather relaxing.

"Hmm where do I start, it's a beautiful two story home, but has the looks of a cottage, I have a grape vineyard, that's how I make my own wine. I have a stable with mythical horses. Some of the rarest actually." Wow was all I could think, as Nixon took a break.

"I have magical falls on my land and beautiful caves. They are of course way at the back of my land. There is also a huge library and there is books there that you would be able to read if you'd like."

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